Good Saturday morning all! What’s on your agenda for the weekend?
I am scheduling this as my weekend looks a tiny bit busy! Today the eldest has a volleyball tournament, plus a field hockey game (which requires leaving the tournament) and a field hockey practice (different team). Middle has a field hockey game and dance photos – said game is about an hour and two bridges plus two tunnels away, so timing of her getting back for dance photos could be tight! The youngest only has dance photos. Only! Ha!
Gotta love the schedule feature, right?
Today I am sharing my very, very last layout from my giant Clear The Desk Kit #2. Promise!
Just to recap – and in case you missed them – you can see all the contents of Kit #2 here, and read about the layouts here, here, here, and here. It was a very large kit and I made a lot of layouts with it. In fact, this layout I am sharing today is the 20th that I’ve made in this class, the 15th that I’ve made from this kit. I’d say that’s pretty good, right? I did add a few sheets of card stock to my kit along the way, and maybe a bit of patterned paper here and there, but for the most part, I tried to stick to just those papers I’d pulled out at the beginning. I’d also gathered embellishments at the beginning but did pull in others as I needed them. Some of the embellishments were completely used up, some are now very picked over, and some weren’t really touched at all. I will have to find other ways to clear those from my stash in the future!
Which brings us to …
Layout #20 – Belle
This employs a method that Shimelle uses in class (with very different results obviously – she’s the Queen of piling on scraps!) It’s a lot of fun actually! Especially the “starting with no plan whatsoever” part! Here’s the finished layout.
I have since determined that that was not a 3rd birthday party but must be at least a 4th so … I’m going to have to find a way to fix the journaling again. Scrapbooker problems, am I right? Other than that, this layout makes me happy.
And yes, I took everything that was left and put it away. The 3×3 Amy Tangerine cut aparts, the photo frames from Dear Lizzy and the butterfly garland went into my scrap drawer. The large piece of yellow card stock went into my scrap card stock bag. There were two remaining branding strips that went into my stash. A few small scraps that went into my recycling bin (no guilt!), and a few larger scraps that went into my “to be used on a card” stash. Everyone has about 16 different stashes, right??
Then I sorted through all the embellishments I had put aside. Any mostly used up sticker sheets got chopped up so now I am only storing a few individual stickers instead of a whole sheet that’s only got one or two stickers left on it. Remember those two Shimelle sticker books? I amalgamated them into one. Now I don’t have to look through both books to see which stickers I have left, they are all in one package. So much better!
I even thoroughly cleaned my desk! I mean, wiped it and everything!! Felt so good!! Now that I’ve physically and mentally cleared that kit from my stash and my desk, I am ready to tackle another. And I know exactly what it’s going to be! Come back on Monday and I’ll show you!!
Until then, have a great weekend!