Learn With Me

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I love to share what I know and every week do that in my blog posts. These are all 100% FREE to you. From my heart to yours, enjoy!

But sometimes, I come up with an idea that requires a bit more thought, effort, time, and resources. Those ideas eventually become classes or workshops and I charge for them.

My time is just as precious to me as yours is to you.

My hard earned dollars are just as precious to me as yours are to you.

I would never waste either of them! Instead, I will give you more than you signed up for! More content, more free add-ons, more one-on-one support. Because that’s who I am.


Click on any of the images below to learn about my current offerings.

Add to your cart and let’s get started learning something new and fun!

Coming Soon:

Your Christmas Story in Twelve Easy Layouts $24.99

December Cut Files for Pocket Page Scrapbooks $14.99

Celebrate Weddings $14.99