Challenged Answered! Part 1

Hi everyone and Happy Monday! At least, it’s still Monday where I live …that counts, right?

Last week on my Instagram page I issued a challenge – well, two actually. First I showed off my January 2018 card kit from Simon Says Stamp and challenged myself to make 10 cards from it. Then, I upped the challenge by asking you, my viewers, to suggest types of cards to make! I only had two takers on a chance to receive a free card so … Heather, one of my ScrapHappy Sisters, and Aurela, my friend and neighbour, will be receiving cards from me in answer to their suggestions.

I decided to film the whole process to give you a really good look at just how inspiration strikes me. Today I’m showing you the first 5 cards I’ve made with this kit. Be warned, this is a longer than normal video! Guess I can’t commentate and create at the same time – LOL!  Enjoy! Continue reading

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December 2017 Album

Good afternoon! Hope your Wednesday is going well.

I had a bit of an emotionally charged Tuesday so I took some much needed time today to relax, catch up on some of my PVR’d shows, and get creative in my Scrap Cave. I’d like to share the results of that with you now.

If you’re one of my YouTube subscribers then first, thank you! I appreciate every single one of you! If you’re not a subscriber, I’d love you to become one. YouTube has changed it’s rules again regarding monetization and while I am not currently monetized, it is something I’ve considered in the past and would consider again in the future. YouTube’s rule change is going to make it even tougher for us small guys to support ourselves with our channels so please consider subscribing – not just to my channel but any other home based crafter you come across. Each new person makes a big difference to us!

I do try to bring you content that is well curated so that my subscribers get value. If you’ve got any suggestions please shoot me an email or leave me a comment!

Okay, back to today’s post!  I trust you’ve seen a few of the videos on my December 2017 album so far. Today I’ve got the creation of Day 6 for you. All previous days are linked below the video.

Enjoy! Continue reading

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Snow Much Fun

Make it Monday with Alison Day Designs2.png

Welcome to another week of inspiration from yours truly!

Today I have layout to share with you, and as the title of this post may hint, it involves snow! My prompt for this week is to scrapbook about something to do with a Winter Wonderland. Living in Canada as I do, it is only natural that thoughts of winter involve snow, but that is not actually the case where I live specifically. Snow here is the exception in the winter, not the rule. We get it, just not very often and usually not very much at a time. I grew up further north where we DID have snow. A lot of snow! On the ground from Hallowe’en to Easter! I’ll take the long, dark, rainy days over that cold, so very cold winter thank you very much!

But my kids love the snow. A few years ago my father-in-law gifted them ski lessons at Christmas time. When looking for snowy photos to scrapbook for today, I immediately went to my stack of pictures from the day I took them up the mountain. Take a look. Continue reading

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The Great Hall

Good morning! Happy Saturday!

What’s on your agenda today? Ours includes a club volleyball tournament for the eldest, swimming lessons for the younger two and finally, basketball for the middle. Just your typical quiet weekend around here! (insert massive eye roll – I’m supposed to be focusing on being more BALANCED, RIGHT?!)

Since I clearly will not be getting anything creative done, I thought this the perfect opportunity to share a layout and process video I made back in September and forgot to share with you. Well, that’s not completely true. I filmed the making of the layout back in September and then ran into technical issues adding the voice layover to it so it’s sat on my hard drive unfinished … until now!

This is from our trip in August to Britain and more specifically, when I took my older two daughters to the Harry Potter Studio Tour at the Warner Brother’s lot outside of London. I started off with great energy creating an album (or two) for that day! Life has since got in the way of that project but I hope to come back to it soon.

So, without further ado … I give you


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Challenge Accepted! Committing to Creating a Layout a Day in February

Does this sound like you? You’ve got a room full of scrapbook supplies, more “on the go” projects than you can possibly finish in one lifetime, and no time/motivation to create? You’ve dabbled and pushed supplies around your desk, you may even have created a layout or two, but the mountain of memories to document just keeps getting bigger?

Two big arms raised and waving right here!!

Well, I’ve got the perfect solution to kick your Scrappy Butt in gear!

LOAD218 banner

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Colour Inspiration

Oh, it has been a long time since I did a Make It Monday post! Not sure I completely remember how! LOL!

What the hell, let’s give it a try!

Make it Monday with Alison Day Designs2.png

When I was planning out my posts for this year, one of the things I did was plan out my Make it Monday posts. As in, I gave myself topics to talk about. Today’s is a colour prompt – Turquoise to be exact. I’ll be honest, I sat looking at my planner for a few minutes thinking “what the heck am I going to do with that?!” So I turned to my trusty inspiration go-to, Pinterest. Did you know you can search up just about anything in Pinterest? So handy! I typed in ‘turquoise’ and this is the image that spoke to me the most. Continue reading

Posted in Disney Cruise, layout, Make It Monday, Scrapbook | Comments Off on Colour Inspiration

Balancing Act

As a Mum of three young girls and a wife to a busy guy, my life can quickly spin out of control.

Sound familiar?

Whether I’m working full time outside the home or not, the demands of caring for those four super special people tend to leave me tired, out of sorts, and dissatisfied. Tasks are constantly being bumped down the priority list because someone needs picking up from practice, or we ran out of milk (again!), or the laundry is as high as the washing machine, or … you name it!

Getting let go from my full time job in August allowed me time to step back, to evaluate our current state of affairs, and to prioritize our future needs. This has all led to me choosing the word BALANCE as my focus word for 2018. This may all be sounding kind of familiar – I talked about it in Wednesday’s post, perhaps you saw it? At that point I hadn’t created a visual reminder of my word but that has all changed!

Behold, BALANCE … Continue reading

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