As a Mum of three young girls and a wife to a busy guy, my life can quickly spin out of control.
Sound familiar?
Whether I’m working full time outside the home or not, the demands of caring for those four super special people tend to leave me tired, out of sorts, and dissatisfied. Tasks are constantly being bumped down the priority list because someone needs picking up from practice, or we ran out of milk (again!), or the laundry is as high as the washing machine, or … you name it!
Getting let go from my full time job in August allowed me time to step back, to evaluate our current state of affairs, and to prioritize our future needs. This has all led to me choosing the word BALANCE as my focus word for 2018. This may all be sounding kind of familiar – I talked about it in Wednesday’s post, perhaps you saw it? At that point I hadn’t created a visual reminder of my word but that has all changed!
Behold, BALANCE …
I’ve got an 8.5″x11″ album that I’ve been using for my OLWs (One Little Words) since 2011. I followed Ali Edwards class for 2011 and (most of) 2012, and then after that just did one layout as a visual reminder for me. Having it displayed in my office helps bring it to the forefront every time I look at it. If you’re interested, my words over the years have been:
2011 – RELEASE
2012 – FOCUS
2015 – ACTION
2016 – ENOUGH
I’m not sure what happened to 2013 and 2017 … probably could have used a word to focus on last year!
Onward and upward!
There are a couple places on my layout where I included journaling. Here in the top right corner I wrote down what I hope to invite into my life this year with my word.
And on this other cloud, I wrote where I’d like to try to achieve more balance this year.
I even tried to incorporate balance into the creation of this by going straight to my scrap drawer to find my papers, instead of creating new scraps by cutting into a full 12″x12″ sheet of paper. I pulled out papers that spoke to me. The clock represents my hope to balance my time better. The text paper contains a lot of phrases that define what I wish for my life and my family. The clouds are so I can remember to dream and act on those dreams more this year. And then the pink and all the gems/glittery bits are because they make me happy. Pretty things always make me happy!
There you go, something new for my office. It will sit on a little easel on the shelf above my desk.
How do you keep your Word front and centre all year? Share your tricks in the comments so we can all learn from them.