Snow Much Fun

Make it Monday with Alison Day Designs2.png

Welcome to another week of inspiration from yours truly!

Today I have layout to share with you, and as the title of this post may hint, it involves snow! My prompt for this week is to scrapbook about something to do with a Winter Wonderland. Living in Canada as I do, it is only natural that thoughts of winter involve snow, but that is not actually the case where I live specifically. Snow here is the exception in the winter, not the rule. We get it, just not very often and usually not very much at a time. I grew up further north where we DID have snow. A lot of snow! On the ground from Hallowe’en to Easter! I’ll take the long, dark, rainy days over that cold, so very cold winter thank you very much!

But my kids love the snow. A few years ago my father-in-law gifted them ski lessons at Christmas time. When looking for snowy photos to scrapbook for today, I immediately went to my stack of pictures from the day I took them up the mountain. Take a look.Snow Much Fun by Alison Day

You may think that I have no other papers in my stash but ones made by Shimelle! You’d be wrong but somehow, they are just working for me right now. Here I have used one from Starshine (Hubble) as my background – the white random dot pattern reminded me of a snow storm. And then one from Glitter Girl (Make a Statement). I liked that multi coloured hexagon pattern on the B-side and decided to use that pattern when cutting my box of paper to go behind the photos. My eldest is wearing a very pick coat and my youngest a very blue one, so this was the perfect marriage of both. I matted the photo of the three girls in front of the mountain’s sign, with another B-side, this time from Bo Bunny’s #foreveryoung (Yum). It’s a very subtle grey hatch pattern on white. And finally I found a couple strips of white and brown-ish grey wood grain paper in my scrap drawer that I trimmed to resemble a couple of skis. At least, that was my intention!

Snow Much Fun close up 1

This white tag from a Gossamer Blue kit had the word ‘fun’ die cut into it. Two more words out of different letter stickers and my title was complete. I backed the word fun with a vellum circle and added others from the same Gossamer Blue pack to other parts of the layout for continuity. Then, into each embellishment cluster I added:  a camera from Shimelle’s Little by Little collection (here a sticker from the sticker book), a hexagon sticker from an old Planner Society kit, a clear word sticker from a super old Amy Tangerine collection, a wood button from Shimelle’s Go Now Go collection, as well as a thin sticker strip from Shimelle’s accent and phrase sticker book from Starshine. My final touch was a few gems from my stash – I believe these are from Michael’s.

Snow Much Fun close up 2

In this cluster the camera is from the die cut pack from Shimelle’s Little by Little collection, and the wood button is from Little by Little not Go Now Go.

Snow Much Fun close up 3

I tested the wood grain paper for ease of reading and decided that it was good enough so I wrote right onto it instead of trying to fit a journaling spot onto the page. I tried and it just wasn’t working for me so I was glad this did. It’s hard to read in the photo but in real life it’s easy enough and (sorry) that’s more important!

Now it’s your turn. How will you be inspired by the phrase “WINTER WONDERLAND”? Please link your scrapbook page, card, art journal spread, or other wintery project in the comments below so I can take a look. Can’t wait to see what you make.

Have a great week!

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