10 Cards from 1 Kit – Part 2

Happy Saturday! How’s your weekend going so far? Any big plans?

Weekends around here are for field hockey games, spring league soccer games, and sometimes tournaments. You know, quiet, easy, lounge around in your pj’s til noon type days … wait …

We are definitely doing weekends all wrong!

There is a Spring Crop going on over on the Paper Issues Facebook group which I am hoping to take part in at some point. But we’ll just have to see if I’m “allowed” scrappy time! (Insert eye roll emoji here!)

In case you’re like me and have to live vicariously through others at the moment, here is the second part of my 10 Cards from 1 Kit project. If you missed Part I you can read all about it here. I am using my April kit from Simon Says Stamp so that I can go and pick up my May kit with a clear conscience! Here’s a look at how cards 6 – 10 came together. Continue reading

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Play Time

I took some time today to finally play with my April card kit from Simon Says Stamp. To see the reveal of the kit please see the video in this post.

It’s a gorgeous kit full of rainbows and butterflies and apart from one little strip of green paper, I’ve not touched it. Too busy with Clear the Desk layouts I think! But as I got notification today that my May kit is now ready for pick up, I figured I’d better get busy.

So here’s a look at how the first five cards came together.

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Buried Treasure

What happens when you uncover a kit of scraps along with a colour scheme that you can barely remember putting together?

You do a happy dance, and use it as your Kit #3 for Clear the Desk!

I was wondering what I’d do for this part of the class as I no longer subscribe to a kit cub and any kits I received in the past have long since been split up and put into my stash. And then I found five bags full of paper scraps with five colour schemes and I knew I could use them! I also knew I’d put these kits together for a previous class over with Shimelle but couldn’t remember which one. After a bit of research (okay, a lot of Shimelle video watching) I found my answer. They were part of her process towards the end of her The 20 Project class.

I’ve included a link to it as even though it’s 2 years old, the content is still available, timely, and worth the money! And no, that’s not an affiliate link. I just highly endorse anything she puts out!

Okay, that’s enough intro for you. Watch this video to hear the rest of the story. Continue reading

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Good to The Last Scrap!

Good Saturday morning all! What’s on your agenda for the weekend?

I am scheduling this as my weekend looks a tiny bit busy! Today the eldest has a volleyball tournament, plus a field hockey game (which requires leaving the tournament) and a field hockey practice (different team). Middle has a field hockey game and dance photos – said game is about an hour and two bridges plus two tunnels away, so timing of her getting back for dance photos could be tight! The youngest only has dance photos. Only! Ha!

Gotta love the schedule feature, right?

Today I am sharing my very, very last layout from my giant Clear The Desk Kit #2. Promise! Continue reading

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Have you heard of this?

the 100 Day Project Header

If not, you can read more about it here.

I got wind of it through the creative grapevine and thought … why not? My daily creative project is to make a card. I’ve got a really big craft market in November this year so I am feeling the pressure to bulk up my inventory!

Want to follow along with my progress? I am posting daily on Instagram with the hashtag #100handmadecardsbyalison. Here is today’s card.


You can also find them cross posted to Facebook if you’re not on Instagram. I’d love for you to follow me at either (or both!) places to see if I actually manage to do 100 cards! Help keep me on task!

Until next time, happy crafting!

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Okay, NOW I’m done!

Good morning! This post is a day later than I’d promised but it’s full of the last 4 layouts in my daughter’s Grad album so I hope you’ll forgive me.

(Like you have a choice! LOL)

After taking stock of the album and identifying the gaps, I set to work to fill them. First up, a title page.

Layout #16 – Grad 2017

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Posted in Clear the Desk Class, Kits, Scrapbook, Videos | 2 Comments

I’m Calling it and Moving On … I Think

I feel like I’ve been using the same set of supplies forever! It’s only been since the end of February … maybe that is “forever” in the world of scrapbooking? LOL!

But with these next few layouts I think I am ready to call it a day on my giant Kit #2 and gather some new supplies for the next part of Shimelle’s class. If you missed my previous layouts using this kit you can see them here, here, and here.

Layout #14 – Welcome Surprise

Here is the sketch from the Paper Issues challenge: Continue reading

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