Clean Lines Make Me Smile

#the20project with Alison Day Designs

Welcome back to my version of The 20 Project.

To find out more about The 20 Project please visit Shimelle Laine’s blog. This is her concept that I am using as inspiration to get my own projects finished while challenging myself along the way. Shaking up the ordinary processes. Working out the cobwebs. Rediscovering old products. It is all going to happen during this project!

If this is your first visit to my blog then welcome, and if you’d like to check out all the posts in this series you can start here. At the end of that post is a link to the next one so you can keep going until you reach the end or today’s post – whichever is sooner. Enjoy! If you’re inspired to try something similar I highly encourage you to buy Shimelle’s class too. She has some pretty great prompts that I know I don’t have. And heck, she is way more interesting to watch than I am!! LOL!

Today the bowl prompted me to use a clean grid on a layout. This is a look I love but rarely do as it is a bit more time consuming than my normal method of messy layers. I sort of go on and on about this in the video below but I’ll say it one more time … I LOVE this layout! The clean lines and soft colours make me so happy. Why don’t I do this more often? One of life’s mysteries!!

See for yourself how it came together.

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Scrapping Our Stash Blog Hop – September 2016 Edition

Scrapping Our Stash Blog Hop

Welcome to a Scrapping Our Stash Blog Hop!

You may be arriving from Majken’s blog but if not don’t worry, there is a link at the end of this post that you can follow to get to the next stop on the Blog Hop. Eventually you’ll make your way back to Majken!

Today I am scrapping two things from my stash … well, specifically two things but more items found their way onto my cards! The first was several to-go style coffee cups from a piece of patterned paper from Shimelle’s True Stories line from American Crafts. I’d fussy cut them ages ago with the intent of creating cards or gift card holders but … they just sat on my desk waiting. It happens! Then I picked up her Starshine 6×6 paper pad on sale and decided it was time to get those cups onto cards!

Here’s what I came up with.

Keep Calm Coffee Collection Cards by Alison Day Designs Continue reading

Posted in Cards, Practical Scrappers | 8 Comments

Deep Thoughts on Granny Camp

WOW Summer 2016 Edition

This is going to be my last special Words on Wednesday post. This time next week the girls will be back in school and life can return to normal.

Or what passes for normal around here!

This endeavour of mine hasn’t gone according to plan (when do they ever, right) but I am pleased that I tried it. That we tried it! For this really was a joint effort – mine and my girls. I think I can safely say I’d do it again but with some changes.

Better preparation.

This was a last minute idea so quite often I was madly writing their lessons late at night or first thing in the morning. Not ideal.

Lower expectations.

Not sure why I thought the kids would be excited to learn about the proper way to clean a toilet or make a bed but …. hey, live and learn. Next time, simpler lessons for the little one, and fewer expectations of perfection all around!

More hands-on activities.

The favourite lessons were the ones where they had to look up something, find something, make something, or go somewhere. Noted!

Add some way for them to give back.

The older I get, the more I feel the need to give back. Continue reading

Posted in Words on Wednesday | 2 Comments

Channeling Christy Riopel

Make it Monday with Alison Day Designs2.png Welcome to a special edition of Make It Monday.

Just over a week ago I heard the sad news that the tight knit Canadian creative community lost one of its members. Christy Riopel was unbelievably creative! I never met the woman myself but through her art work and many articles in Creative Scrapbooker Magazine, I felt I knew her a little. A very little to be sure!

I love this photo of her and think it sums her up creatively speaking.

christy riopel

I can’t speak to her personal and private side, but someone with this much joy for art can only possess a joy filled heart, right?

It also made me want to get my own fingers messy too! So I did …

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Shaking It Up

#the20project with Alison Day Designs

Welcome back to my version of The 20 Project.

To find out more about The 20 Project please visit Shimelle Laine’s blog. This is her concept that I am using as inspiration to get my own projects finished while challenging myself along the way. Shaking up the ordinary processes. Working out the cobwebs. Rediscovering old products. It is all going to happen during this project!

If this is your first visit to my blog then welcome, and if you’d like to check out all the posts in this series you can start here. At the end of that post is a link to the next one so you can keep going until you reach the end or today’s post – whichever is sooner. Enjoy! If you’re inspired to try something similar I highly encourage you to buy Shimelle’s class too. She has some pretty great prompts that I know I don’t have. And heck, she is way more interesting to watch than I am!! LOL!

Today the bowl prompted me to include a shaker element on a layout. Yikes! I did this once before (that I can think of) and loved it. Let’s see if I can love it as much the second time around!

Take a look at how things came together.

Prompt #3 – Include a Shaker Element

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Posted in #the20project, layout, Scrapbook, Videos | Comments Off on Shaking It Up

Not Bad For a First Effort With Needle and Thread

WOW Summer 2016 Edition

If you’ve been following along with my special Words on Wednesday posts this summer, then you know I’ve almost completely abandoned them.


Last week though, I got the notion into my head to teach my girls to sew.

(insert hysterical laughter here)

While shopping at Walmart for a couple last Back To School supplies, I took the girls over to the fabric department to see what they had in the way of quilting fat quarters. In my head I thought a few small pieces of brightly patterned cotton would be perfect for a simple bag or pillow case. Nothing fancy. Just straight seams. That would be easy enough, right?

You know what? It was!

(insert totally shocked face here)

IMG_5899-001 Continue reading

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Time For Another LOAD Recap – Summer Lovin’ LOAD Mini

Make it Monday with Alison Day Designs2.png Welcome to Make It Monday!

Today I am sharing the layouts I completed during last weeks’ Mini-LOAD challenge.

For those not familiar with what a LOAD is, it’s typically a month long challenge where participants are given a prompt every day and expected to create a layout using that prompt. Although, as we know, there are no Scrapbook Police so 100% adherence to the prompts is not required. Just a layout every day uploaded to the group Flickr Gallery. 🙂

This summer Alice (Scraphappy Owner Extraordinaire!) decided to run a mini LOAD. Only one week long. Seven days, seven prompts. That’s doable, right?

Um …. apparently not! For me anyway.

Here are the layouts I managed to create last week.

Day One: Water – Stateroom 7039

Stateroom 7039 by Alison Day Designs Continue reading

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