Welcome back to my version of The 20 Project.
To find out more about The 20 Project please visit Shimelle Laine’s blog. This is her concept that I am using as inspiration to get my own projects finished while challenging myself along the way. Shaking up the ordinary processes. Working out the cobwebs. Rediscovering old products. It is all going to happen during this project!
If this is your first visit to my blog then welcome, and if you’d like to check out all the posts in this series you can start here. At the end of that post is a link to the next one so you can keep going until you reach the end or today’s post – whichever is sooner. Enjoy! If you’re inspired to try something similar I highly encourage you to buy Shimelle’s class too. She has some pretty great prompts that I know I don’t have. And heck, she is way more interesting to watch than I am!! LOL!
Today the bowl prompted me to use a clean grid on a layout. This is a look I love but rarely do as it is a bit more time consuming than my normal method of messy layers. I sort of go on and on about this in the video below but I’ll say it one more time … I LOVE this layout! The clean lines and soft colours make me so happy. Why don’t I do this more often? One of life’s mysteries!!
See for yourself how it came together.
And here is a closer look at the finished layout.
I am sure that my enjoyment of this layout – creating it and how much I love the finished product – was the type of thing Shimelle had in mind when she came up with the concept for her class. Creating a list of things you need to do, have always wanted to try, or want to try again, leads you down a path that can be unfamiliar at times but can also take you to some pretty amazing places.
This particular design concept would be great for those of us with large stashes of scraps (cough, cough, you know who you are!) I’ve made layouts with branding strips and off cuts before and likely will again. But this is a beast of a different flavour! More purposeful. Less chaotic. Pages like this are fantastic to add to your albums if most of the pages in them are bright and busy. It acts as a breather, allows your eye to have a rest after all that colour and pattern.
These little embellishment clusters are so sweet! A few different patterned papers cut or die cut into shapes and then layered up. The punched butterfly brings in the butterfly icon which I’m trying to keep up throughout this album. The crocheted flower added a different texture.
Can you tell that the ‘O’s’ were at one time ‘Q’s’? Didn’t think so! There are so many great ways to alter your letter stickers to make the letters you are short. Snipping the tails off some Q’s to make the O’s you need is only one such example.
Finding the brads in the three colours of the flowers was a bonus! Adding enamel dots as a finishing touch is my go-to.
These journaling cards were such a score! Love how each monthly spread in this album will have a similarly designed element on them.
That scrap of paper I was worried was fading into the back ground was perfect for one last little bit of journaling. Now it seems purposeful.
Well that’s all I have for you this week. What will come out of the bowl next week do you think?
Have a great rest of your weekend. See you soon!