Category Archives: LOAD218
That’s a Wrap!
Well folks, it’s February 28th. The last day of February and the last day of LOAD218. What a blast!! Whether you participated or not, did 28 layouts this month or 1, I hope you enjoyed the process. And I hope … Continue reading
Still Keeping Up?
How are you doing with LOAD218? Are you still managing to create a layout every day? With my daily videos I’ve been able to share little bits of what I love about the LOAD process, but you want to know … Continue reading
Getting Over the Hump
Now that February is more than half way finished it is becoming even more important to me to finish this month’s LOAD strong! I have a tendency to leave projects unfinished (gasp!) but I am determined not to let that … Continue reading
Half Way There!
Can you believe it? Today marks the half-way point in LOAD218 and I have so far managed to keep up my goal of one layout a day (and my bonus goal of a process video to go with each layout!) … Continue reading
Going Strong With LayOut A Day
I am so impressed with myself! I have managed to scrapbook one layout a day for every day in February so far! Can I get a Woot! Woot! Okay, I realize it’s only the 10th today but hey, considering my … Continue reading
LOAD218 Day9 Follow Your Own Path
I am the featured designer today for LOAD218. So much fun!! If you’re participating in LOAD then you’ve already seen this but if not, I thought I’d share the layout I created to inspire everyone. LOAD218-9 A Magical Day to … Continue reading
LOAD218 Days 4 – 7
Today I’ve got my next batch of LOAD218 layouts for you to see. Each one has a corresponding process video too. Enjoy! Day 4 – Wandlore Today’s adventure forced a deeper look at the story and I know I have … Continue reading