April Card Kit Reveal

After the fickleness of Canada Post the past few months, I decided to utilize a US address instead and voila! Prompt arrival of my very next kit! So prompt in fact that I wasn’t able to go down and pick it up until yesterday.

Here’s what’s inside the April Kit – Beautiful Day

As I said in the video description, this kit is SOLD OUT (boo!) but all of it’s individual components are still available and listed below. Click on the images to be taken to the Simon Says Stamp shop to fill your basket and create your own kit! Continue reading

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Making a Start with Some Easter Cards

Good Monday Morning! Another day off for the hubs so I thought I’d sneak in here and get a post up quickly.

Yesterday was Easter and we celebrated with family in grand style. But before all that happened, the girls awoke to some treats on the kitchen table and hand made cards from me. I’ve been playing with my March card kit from Simon Says Stamp. Did you see my reveal video?

It’s a super cute kit and while there is a distinctly Easter themed stamp set included, the rest of the kit is not overly Easter themed. Not complaining, I really don’t make a lot of Easter cards and those are usually just for my kids, but it did present me with a challenge when it came to making those cards! I started to film a video of me playing with the kit but it kind of went sideways when I couldn’t quite decide what the heck I was doing with the kit. So … I deleted it. Trust me, you did not want to see my rambling, bumbling, oh-so-scattered process!

But I am determined to share with you all the cards I make with every kit so here are the four cards I’ve made so far. And I promise, the next cards I make will have a video!

Card #1 – Sunshine and Rubber Boots

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Dwindling Supplies and a Growing Story Album

Happy Saturday everyone!

And Happy Easter (Extra-Long) Weekend!

Earlier this week I started sharing the layouts I’ve made with my second Clear The Desk kit of supplies. To recap, it was a much larger kit than outlined in class but I knew I had a stack of photos from my eldest daughters Grade 7 Graduation Assembly to document. For me, having a kit of cohesive supplies to tell the story from one day or one event helps keep me focused. If I have to spend time hunting down papers and embellishments for each layout I tend to lose interest because I get bogged down with all the decision making.

So far I’ve created 8 layouts from this kit. The first two can be found in this post, the next three in this post. Today I am sharing the latest three, so let’s get going. (PS – my numbering system for my layouts is for the whole Clear the Desk class, not the number of layouts made from any one kit of supplies. I’m curious how many layouts I can make as I work my way through the class which I why I’ve done this.)

Layout #11 – Love Our Village

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I Don’t Think My Desk Is Any Clearer!

Welcome back!

How is your Wednesday going? My youngest is having her birthday party tonight so I am in full panic mode! Really should not be on my computer but … a promise is a promise and I promised you guys more Clear the Desk layouts! Here goes …

If you missed the first two layouts from my second kit for this class then please check out Monday’s post here.

Layout #8 – Dream Big

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Clear The Desk Kit #2

I have been remiss in posting my Clear the Desk progress so this week will be all about catching you up.

If you missed the first kit I put together for this class, then please check out this post. I also share the first five layouts I made – each with a process video.  I did two things with the kit remainders. First I made a card which you can see on this post, and then I left everything on my desk. Well, not actually on my desk, as my desk is quite small, but available to use in subsequent projects for this class.

Which leads me to Kit #2.

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Celebrating 9

Good evening. How was your Saturday?

Ours was quite a bit quieter than we are used to. It’s Spring Break so our usual schedule of swimming lessons and volleyball and basketball, and anything else that we try to squeeze into the day, is on hold for another week. It’s such a nice feeling to know you have no commitments!

I spent the day in my Scrap Cave working on layouts for Clear the Desk and challenges over at Paper Issues – be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel so you don’t miss my latest process videos. I will try to catch you all up next week but no promises!

The other thing that happened this weekend – at 11:31PM on Friday night to be precise – is that our youngest daughter turned nine. She’s pretty amazing if I do say so myself. Drives me completely mental with all her questions, comments, and stories, but I’m sure that means she’s got a quick mind that will take her far in life. Right?

Since I am a crafty Mum, I made her a card.

Birthday Card 1 by Alison Day

I was inspired recently to dig out my Jillibean Soup stash and see what I could create with it and this was one of the projects I made. Super simple – just a few sheets from a 6×6 paper pad some letter stickers and gold mist. I love layered and detailed cards, but sometimes it’s nice to keep it simple!

We also made and handed out some birthday invitations … but I think I’ll wait and post those another day. It’s a whole “rainbows and unicorns” thing!

Okay, I’m off to do some serious … nothing! Ah!

Have a great rest of your weekend everyone.



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Happy Mail!

It was only last Saturday that I showed you my February Card Kit from Simon Says Stamp, so imagine my surprise when I opened my mailbox today to find my March kit had arrived. Awesome, right?

Here’s what I received:

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