Finding Motivation

WOW Summer 2016 Edition

Complete honesty here … I don’t really want to do this anymore.


Perhaps it was the topic I’d chosen (cleaning – blech), but my girls don’t seem to be into it anymore either.

All they want to do is get to the baking lessons (insert horrible nightmares of flour and egg covered kitchen here!)

All those carefully prepared lesson plans are staring at me from my desk blotter. Mocking me in fact!


On the bright side though, did you know that you can find anything on the internet? I mean it! I’d written up a lesson on the steps involved in hand washing dishes (because, you know, I’m Old School!) and while searching for a related topic, found a blog post which almost word for word matched what I’d just written! Creepy, right?

Then I thought the girls were going to actually have to put my words into action as our dishwasher chose that day to spew water all over the kitchen. Irony at it’s best! But it turned out I had loaded something onto our top rack incorrectly.

Shh! Don’t tell anyone! My instances of doing things incorrectly are few and far between!!


Oh well, back to work! Wish me luck as I attempt to teach my girls how to boil an egg!

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Another One Bites the Dust!

Happy Tuesday!

Did you miss my usual Make it Monday Post yesterday? It was a long weekend and my husband and girls were handy out candy and fliers in our local parade so … life took precedence over blogging.

It happens!

But that doesn’t mean I haven’t been creating. I have! In fact, I managed to kill another Simon Says Stamp card kit this weekend.

Yup. It’s dead!

This is what I started with …


And here’s what I have left … Continue reading

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Striking While the Iron’s Hot!

Welcome to the Long Weekend!

In these parts we are celebrating BC Day (our Province’s birthday if you will). Plans include fireworks in Vancouver tonight, beach day with family tomorrow, and a parade and carnival on Monday. Lots to look forward to – especially as a memory keeper.

If only my camera wasn’t acting up! There is an errant hair somewhere inside that I just can’t seem to get rid of.

hair on the lens?

See what I mean? Many a photo from Alaska is marred by this line. Grr! It’s going to require a trip to the camera doctor – gulp! For now I have to make do with my iPhone.

But that doesn’t stop me from getting crafty in my Scrap Cave!

I was so inspired by the cards I made recently that I decided to keep going. I pulled out one of the oldest Simon Says Stamp card kits in my stash (from October 2015) and got busy.

Really busy! Continue reading

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More Card Kit Inspiration

Scrapping Our Stash Blog Hop

Welcome to a Scrapping Our Stash Blog Hop!

It’s been awhile since a group of us from the Practical Scrapper days got together to host a blog hop. Did you miss us?

So glad to be a part of it again!

These blog hops are designed to help you (and us) dig into those older items and get them used up. Your stash isn’t doing you, or your crafting, any good unless you use it, right? You may be arriving here from Majken’s blog. If not, no worries. Just follow the link at the end of this post that will take you to the next blog in the line. You can continue to follow the links in each post until you circle back. Enjoy all the inspiration!

Today I am sharing how I used up the rest of my July 2016 Simon Says Stamp Card Kit. So not an older product but if you saw my Crafting on the Go video, you know that I have a large stash of these kits! If I can kill one before the next arrives, I consider that a good thing!

Remember these?

Cards made with SSS July 16 kit part I by Alison Day Designs

These were the four cards I made with that Crafting On the Go Kit. You can read more about it here. At the end of the video in my post I showed you four more card bases that I had prepped. Want to see what I made with them? Continue reading

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Getting Back On Track

WOW Summer 2016 Edition

Happy Hump Day!

As you may have guessed from the title of this post, my Mummy’s Camp plans got a bit derailed! I blame the cruise. WAY too much fun making flubber and meeting Ariel to want to spend time learning about how to make a hospital corner!!

Oh well, time to regroup and get back at it, right?

Before we left on the cruise the girls learned a lot about preparing for a trip and also some handy skills to have while on a trip. I had prepared lessons for the week we were on board and while some were touched on, most were not. Today we are reviewing all those and moving forward with new lessons. I’ll talk about those next week.

Things that went right on board:

On our way to the cruise ship we read through the Monday lesson and talked about safety protocols. Our youngest is seven and very adventurous. The part about NEVER CLIMBING THE RAILINGS was specifically for her! LOL! Continue reading

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Quality Over Quantity?

Make it Monday with Alison Day Designs2.png Welcome to another Make it Monday!

I promised I’d share the cards I made while on the Disney Cruise so that is what I’m doing today. As you may have guessed from the title, I did not make a ton of cards – too much fun being had on board to craft! But hey, every little bit helps when you’ve got two Christmas markets rapidly approaching and a dwindling stock of cards to sell at them, right?

If you need a refresher, you can find my Crafting On the Go kit here.

As far as where I got crafty, here’s the set up in my cabin.


Here’s a video showing what I made.

Continue reading

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Disney Cruise Recap

We’re home!

We docked on Monday and I’m not sure how it got to be Thursday already but .. there it is!

If you missed my usual Words on Wednesday post yesterday and are wondering how the Mummy’s Summer Camp is going, I’ll talk more about that next week. I’m finding it a bit hard to get back into the swing of normal life right now. Plus I have been experiencing unpleasant, and unexpected, side effects from the cruise that made it impossible to sit at my computer, let alone try to string sentences together!

Ugh! … moving on!

How was your week last week? I feel like I haven’t talked to you in ages! One week off-the-grid was all it took! LOL!

It was a bit weird to totally unplug. Good! But weird.

Obligatory photo with Minnie before boarding

In case you are new here, my family and I were on a Disney cruise last week, to Alaska, courtesy of Grandma and Grandpa who were celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. The kids had a ball! Me? Um … that is a complicated answer!

I love all things Disney, really I do. What I do not love are cruises.

Yep, I’m in the minority in our family, but that’s the God’s Honest Truth! Continue reading

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