Category Archives: S.W.A.T.
SWAT Drill #8 – Sketch Challenge
Hi everyone. Happy Saturday! Hope you’re all having a great day. Today over at SWAT we are sharing a sketch challenge by our very Becci.
S.W.A.T Drill #7 Tic-Tac-Toe
Happy Saturday and (in case you hadn’t heard yet) Happy (Inter)National Scrapbooking Day! Did you know there was a national (or international if you live outside the US like me) day to celebrate our little obsession called Scrapbooking? Well, there … Continue reading
SWAT Drill #6 – Double Page Layouts
Welcome back! That was mostly aimed at myself I think. This month has been so crazy that I barely feel like I’m staying afloat! I have a ton of projects to share with you so will have to do some … Continue reading
S.W.A.T Drill #5 – Use Your Stash
This drill was right up my alley as I have been using my stash almost exclusively since January 1st of this year! Our mandate was to “dig deep, pull out that paper from years ago that you “just had to … Continue reading
Today’s The Day! S.W.A.T. Grand Opening!!
Welcome to the official launching of S.W.A.T Scrap Warriors Advanced Training! We are so excited to get going with our drills and basic training. Just to recap, we will have 2 Drills (challenges) per month. With each drill there will a … Continue reading