Welcome back! That was mostly aimed at myself I think. This month has been so crazy that I barely feel like I’m staying afloat! I have a ton of projects to share with you so will have to do some sort of massive catch up post … if only I could find the time to sit and type!
There’s time this morning before things get going to share my entry for the latest SWAT drill.
We were given this fun sketch by our very own Jenessa.
It’s funny how things seem to come full circle, isn’t it? When I first started scrapbooking I did mostly double page layouts. I liked how many pictures I could fit on the page and felt I could tell a more complete story. For the past year or two I’ve switched to doing mostly single page layouts. I have been telling more personality type stories and fewer event stories. Or, if I am talking about an event, I’ll break it up into several different stories – sub plots if you will – and tell them over several single page layouts. I also freely admit to enjoying the smaller “canvas” size to get creative on!
When I saw this sketch though I immediately knew I wanted to scrap my youngest’s latest birthday party. Do any of you manage to get decent pictures are birthday parties? I sure don’t. This can cause problems for scrapping them if you feel the need to have perfect pictures. However, life isn’t perfect and sometimes you need to live the moment rather than capture the moment so you work with what you have. Here’s a tip that may help you deal with less than perfect pictures. Print them at a smaller size than you would normally use. This minimizes their impact (especially with blurry ones as you see below) as well as potentially allowing you to add more to your page.
Here is the left hand page and that blurry photo I mentioned. We’ve been to this indoor play structure before and I know from experience how tough it is to get decent pictures so in that regard I was a tiny bit prepared. However, when I was going through my film I realized I didn’t have a decent picture of my daughter ON the play structure. Plenty of her friends though! She was just moving too fast that day – having too much fun to stop and smile for the camera! This blurry one had to do!
Here’s the right hand page. Outlining the letters in the title help them stand out from the busy patterned paper behind them.
Some of the details for you.
When it comes time to embellish your pages don’t feel that you can only use embellishments to suit your page’s theme or story. While this is a birthday page and I’ve used a birthday label sticker, the sticker beneath it is from a spring time collection, the chipboard stickers (below) and the other label stickers are also not from birthday collections. Look for colours and words that work as well as shapes that support your story or the feel of your layout.
Thank you for stopping by today. I hope you enjoyed my layout today. Be sure to pop over to the SWAT blog to see all the layouts our Design Team created. Link up your own double page layout to be entered to win this prize pack.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone. Are you planning to get creative? I’d love to see your work! Please share your latest creations by linking to them in the comments or sharing them on my Facebook page. On my weekend agenda is editing my second Start to Finish video. I’m hoping to post it on Monday. Hope you’ll join me for that.