SWAT Drill #19 – All Day Brekky

Oh my. What’s this? A post on my blog?!

Yeah I know. I’ve been MIA lately. I actually have a ton of projects to share with you! Somehow whenever I sit down to write a post … I get sucked into something else.

Did I share this photo with you?

Shelf down!

This was the scene that I returned home to almost a month ago.

close up of craft room mayhem

That would be my tiny crafting space that has a shelf AND all its contents in it!

Story was that it “just fell down”. Uh huh. I think it had a wee bit of help from my 9 year old!

Anyway, I embarked on a much needed clean out and reorganization which left me more motivated to scrap but less motivated to blog. Here’s what the space looks like now.

one view of my revamped craft space

You may recognize the layout on my table from the last SWAT Drill (#18). There have been many on my table since then which I promise to share but right now I have another SWAT layout to share.

This time we are Talking Turkey. Well, food and recipes. Actual turkey is optional. We’re calling it the Gobble till you Wobble challenge. Use a recipe card and/or a picture of food on your layout. I opted for pictures of food.

All Day Brekky - SWAT Drill #19

Not your typical food layout I grant you.

We recently took a trip to Parkesville on Vancouver Island and while my husband was at a Union conference I entertained the girls. It was a cold and foggy day so by 3PM we were all ready to head inside somewhere and grab a bite to eat. We’d passed a Smitty’s on our way to find a McDonald’s that morning so I decided it was high time to check it out.

As you can see, my younger two had the strawberry waffles! Gotta love the all day breakfast options at these places!


I have got to find more of these letter stickers because I am rapidly running out of the necessary letters! Those ‘l’s’ are actually ‘j’s’ turned upside down. I had to get creative with the spelling of ‘brekky’ too. 🙂


My journaling tells the story of how we ended up getting the waffles in the middle of the afternoon. I can’t remember now why my eldest is cutting them for my middle daughter. She’s totally capable of cutting her own food! Maybe I’ll see if she can remember and add that to the page somewhere.


As I was creating this the space at the bottom of the photos was bothering me. It needed something but more washi tape wasn’t cutting it. I knew I had a stash of banners so I went digging and created this out of part of a Heidi Swapp layered banner plus a plain one I’ve had for awhile. The 24/seven sticker was a lucky find. It’s from a Simple Stories embellishment sheet (can’t remember which line now) and seemed fitting.

Okay, now it’s your turn. Pull out your Grandmother’s famous cookie recipe or that photo of the time you burned the Christmas Pudding and get it on a layout! Share it over on the SWAT blog to be eligible for our monthly prize.

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