LOAD222 – The Second Week

Happy Monday!

Today is a holiday in my province – Family Day. For the last several Family Day’s we’ve spent it up at my sister-in-law’s cabin at Sasquatch Mountain Resort hanging with their family and also my husband’s cousin’s family but … this year we couldn’t swing it time-wise, and then my eldest came down with Covid. Sigh. No fire side chats. No hotly contested Croquenole tournaments. No après ski (or snow shoe for me) beverages.

And we’re not even all together today! Sigh. Time to retreat to my Scrap Cave and catch you up on what I have made for LOAD222.

Day 8 – Ross “We Were On a Break!”

For today we were to talk about what we do when we are on a break, be that Spring Break or a coffee break. Or we could talk about what we need a break from. And for technique we were to use a “broken” effect like paper tearing or distressing.

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LOAD222 – Life’s Guest Stars

Welcome to Day 15!

I have the honour of providing the sample layout for today’s prompt which is to scrapbook about someone that made an impression in your life (could be someone who was only part of your life for a short time). And then the technique prompt for today was to use a star. Since I was creating a sample to help the LOAD community get inspired, I used both prompts.

Here’s my layout.

My Guest Star is my sister-in-law’s cousin, Kate. Her starring role started in 2019 and lasted for about a year. I was on a massive personal growth journey and Kate helped me with some life coaching. She’s totally amazing by the way! She has this uncanny ability to ask just the right question to really get me thinking about circumstances in a different way. Because of the conversations I had with her I was able to identify certain aspects of my personality that I had buried away under “adulting concerns”. To this day I have a piece of paper tacked above my desk that lists my support posse and anytime I’m struggling I look at all the Alison’s on it and ask myself what one of them would do. I can tell you that without a doubt, Brave Alison is the one that opened the Craft Store!

I promise I will write more about my journey one day, but today let’s dive into the creation of this layout.

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LOAD222 – The First 7 Days

Hello! It’s been ages since I posted to this blog despite it being an ongoing goal of mine to revive this platform. I love to write. As much as I love to create things with pretty paper, my real passion is writing. So why am I not doing more of it?? So many reasons and that’s really not the point of my post today. So let’s get back on track!

I have been participating in LOAD (LayOut A Day) Challenges since May of 2011 – sometimes I’m all-in and manage to create a layout every single day of the challenge, sometimes I’m only part-time and complete just a few layouts. It used to bother me if I didn’t get the whole challenge completed, but as my life got busier with children and work, I had to give myself a break and adopt the strategy that any completed layout, any documented memory, is a check in the WIN column. Take the win and move on!

This time around, since I now own an Arts & Crafts store and am actively trying to build my local and online paper crafting community, I have challenged myself to stick to it! To git ‘er done, as they say. AND to post to my Instagram every day as well as my store’s Instastories. Yikes! So far so good though. As you can see from my Instagram, I am on target. So let’s take a closer look at the challenge and at my first 7 layouts this month.

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Kids Cooking and Crafting Class

What’s this? A cooking (and crafting) class for kids??


I am bringing my two loves together for the first of what I hope will be monthly kids cooking and crafting classes. Can I get a “Woot! Woot!” and a “Yippee!!”

The Backstory:

I know I’ve been awfully quiet on this blog as my non-crafting life has been getting exponentially busier but … that’s all about to change. Starting with this class.

As you know I love to make things with pretty paper. Despite my cone of silence on the blog, if you have been following me on Instagram or Facebook then you know I’ve still been crafting. And recently I added a new passion into my routine – healthy eating!

In September of 2018 I joined Epicure’s Epic Life Challenge in an attempt to finally do something about the ridiculous amount of weight I’d put on since the birth of daughter #3 in 2009. I had such amazing success on the scale that I signed up for the next challenge. And that was when I realised my successes OFF the scale were making this new way of eating so enjoyable and easy for me to follow.

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On the Pages of a Magazine

There are only  a few Scrapbook magazines left in print circulation and so it is a great honour and privilege to be printed in one – Scrapbook and Cards Today magazine! Today I’d like to share my latest published layout with you.

Making It Spooky

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Embracing My Inner Mermaid

Happy Saturday!

Well, how’s everyone feeling after the first week back into the new/old routine? We are surprisingly unscathed! The teenager is happy with all her classes and teachers for Grade 9, and announced that she forgot how much her brain loves to learn so now she’s determined to take summer school classes from now on just to keep her brain happy. Um … okay? The younger two have yet to be assigned their “forever classes” as the new principal put it. Seriously? How long does it take to tell the student body what the teachers have known since June?!

Apparently a week, as we find out on Monday.

But I digress … I took advantage of a quiet house this week to play with my September card kit from Simon Says Stamp. If you missed it I filmed my unboxing for you here. As you can see it is heavy on product of a mermaid persuasion! I dove right in and created these three cards. Continue reading

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New Month, New Kit

Hello everyone and welcome to September! I just sent my two youngest off for their first day back at school so it seems a perfect time to write a quick post. I’m not entirely sure where August went. Anyone else feel like that? I took a look at my last post and see it was almost a month ago! Yikes! September always feels like a new beginning for me so I’m determined to get back on track with regular posts here. Hold me to it, okay?

When I last posted I’d just opened up my August card kit from Simon Says Stamp and made a couple of cards with it. Today I’d like to share the other cards I made with this kit and then make a confession.

First up, Card #3 – a birthday card for a dear Aunt.

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