Happy Monday!
Today is a holiday in my province – Family Day. For the last several Family Day’s we’ve spent it up at my sister-in-law’s cabin at Sasquatch Mountain Resort hanging with their family and also my husband’s cousin’s family but … this year we couldn’t swing it time-wise, and then my eldest came down with Covid. Sigh. No fire side chats. No hotly contested Croquenole tournaments. No après ski (or snow shoe for me) beverages.
And we’re not even all together today! Sigh. Time to retreat to my Scrap Cave and catch you up on what I have made for LOAD222.
Day 8 – Ross “We Were On a Break!”

For today we were to talk about what we do when we are on a break, be that Spring Break or a coffee break. Or we could talk about what we need a break from. And for technique we were to use a “broken” effect like paper tearing or distressing.
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