Going Strong With LayOut A Day

I am so impressed with myself! I have managed to scrapbook one layout a day for every day in February so far!

Can I get a Woot! Woot!

Okay, I realize it’s only the 10th today but hey, considering my last few performances during LOAD I am kicking butt!

Oh yeah, and I have managed to film each layout coming together too. That’s what is really making me the happiest this time around.

So before I get too carried away with the self-congratulations, would you like to see what I’ve made since my last post?

Day 8 – @ The Hogwarts Express

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LOAD218 Day9 Follow Your Own Path

I am the featured designer today for LOAD218. So much fun!!

If you’re participating in LOAD then you’ve already seen this but if not, I thought I’d share the layout I created to inspire everyone.

LOAD218-9 A Magical Day to Remember

LOAD218-9 A Magical Day to Remember by Alison Day

The prompt is about following your own path and being a trailblazer. I couldn’t think of any way that I’ve been a trailblazer so my thoughts took me down the “wandering path” line. We took our kids to Edinburgh during our epic 3-ish week European tour last summer because a) it is such a beautiful and fun city that if you’re in Scotland it’s a must see, and b) I lived there for almost 2 years after university so I must breathe the air every time I’m in the country or my heart hurts!! While we were there my cousin’s girlfriend (now fiance – yay Kenny!) took us to all the different places where J.K. Rowling got inspiration for her Harry Potter series. My eldest was in heaven! My husband not so much, but who cares, right? LOL! Continue reading

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LOAD218 Days 4 – 7

Today I’ve got my next batch of LOAD218 layouts for you to see. Each one has a corresponding process video too.


Day 4 – Wandlore

Today’s adventure forced a deeper look at the story and I know I have told a different story than I would have because of how the prompt inspired me. It also meant pulling out my newest products. I don’t have anything from the newest collections that were just showcased at Creativation in Arizona last month, but my stash of Glitter Girl products is still new to me so I had fun pulling more of it out for this layout.

Since I’m showing all the close up photos in the video I’ll just leave you with the full layout. Continue reading

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LOAD218 My Adventures So Far

Curious to see what I’ve been up to so far for LOAD218? Well, look no further, I’ve got all three layouts for you today, plus their corresponding process videos.


Day 1 – Using Multiple Fonts in Your Title

I forgot to add the close up photos to the end of this video – my apologies! Remedied that in future videos. Here they are for you to see. Continue reading

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Part 2 of My 10 Card Challenge

Happy Monday!

Today I bring you the second half of my 10 Cards from 1 Kit Challenge and another video. To see Part 1 please visit this post.

My first 5 cards took me awhile to finish. I had a couple extra challenges thrown in there which probably slowed my creative process a bit. Plus I was trying to explain things as I went along. Hard to talk and think at the same time!! For these last 5 cards I decided not to try to talk as I worked and just record a voice over commentary after the fact. I think this format works much better but I’ll let you all have the final word. Let me know in the comments if you like this sped up version better.

Okay, here is Part II – Cards 6 – 10 from the January 2018 monthly card kit from Simon Says Stamp. Continue reading

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Unicorn Birthday Card

Good morning!

Quick post this morning as I am on basketball tournament duty. Go Pacers!

Yesterday was my niece’s 9th birthday and I shared the card I made for her on my Instagram page.


A post shared by Alison Day (@daydesigning) on

Is that unicorn not to die for? Continue reading

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The Importance of Writing it Down

Words on Wednesday

Do you keep a diary? Journal? Any sort of daily record?

I don’t. I’ve tried and manage to keep it for a week or two but … it doesn’t last.

If you’re a scrapbooker, do you journal on all your pages? Beyond the basics of who is in the photos, where they were taken, and what was happening in them, do you add personal context? Commentary on the weather or funny things that were said at the time? Maybe you keep a Project Life style album, awesome! How much of the every day “stuff” do you record?

The reason I’m asking is because recent events have opened my eyes to just how valuable that written record is, and how important it is to pair it with our photographic record. Can I share my ‘a-ha’ moment with you today?

Thirty years ago this April 27th, my parents were killed in a car accident. Continue reading

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