Category Archives: ME (Alison)
Reflections, Resolutions and Wishes for 2016
As 2015 winds down it is natural that we look back in reflection. What were our successes? Where could we have done better? What changes need to be made moving forward? This year had many highs and lows for me. … Continue reading
Back To School?
It’s September 6th. My children should have just completed their first week of Kindergarten (well not really due to a ridiculous gradual entry program – but that’s a rant for another day), Grade 3 and Grade 5. But they are … Continue reading
Blanket-gate 2014
When I was growing up in England I had a teeny tiny bedroom that I shared with my brother until I was about 6. It had a set of bunk beds – old school ones with the metal bed springs … Continue reading
My husband and I had one of those conversations last night that all couples should have but I’m not convinced ARE having. The “what happens to our children in the event of our deaths” conversation. No, we have no plans … Continue reading
Creative Blog Hop Tour
Have you see any of the wonderful Creative Blog Hop tour posts yet? I don’t know who started it but I think it’s a great idea! Basically, it’s a giant game of online ‘Tag” for creative types! You get tagged … Continue reading
LOAD213 – Day 6 Do It Now!
What page have you been putting off? Your wedding? Your child’s 1st birthday? Your own birthday – maybe a big one like your 30th or 40th?That was the prompt that Lain gave me for today’s LOAD213 page. At first I … Continue reading