How Batch Processing Can Make You More Efficient

Welcome to another Make It Monday!

Today I’m sharing my process for making multiples of the same item. I do this all the time when I’m making cards and tags to sell in my store. It’s quite likely you do it to … in the kitchen.

It’s called Batch Processing.

Batch processing is something anyone who has to make multiples, or large quantities, of the same thing for an occasion does without even thinking about it. You’re making chili to feed an army? First you chop up all the onions you need. Then you chop up all the peppers. Then you cook all the ground beef … you see what I mean?

I do the exact same thing, only with my paper, stamps, dies, and inks. Let me show you in this quick time-lapse video I posted to our Instagram this morning.

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When Cross Stitch Meets Card Making

My store just launched a Christmas in July Sale (check it out here) so I cracked into my *ahem, rather large* stash of Christmas items to see what I could create that is a bit different. How about embroidered cards?

We brought in a couple of Spellbinder dies last year that allow you to make exactly that.

Now, I am not a natural hand sewer by any stretch of the imagination. I love all things fabric and yarn though, and there was a time I hoarded fabric like I now hoard paper, and had more than one cross-stitch kit in my stack of “future projects”, but that was over 20 years ago. I’ve moved on! But I do love a challenge and trying new things so … embroidery on cards it is!

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Summer Outings – Using Themed Products to Scrapbook the Ordinary

Welcome to a new Make It Monday series on my blog. I’ve been trying to kick start this for awhile and it took a combined effort with my business partner to get me back on track. With anything in the small business world, it may be a bumpy ride! I appreciate you sticking with me.

This week I have a 12×12 layout to share with you, complete with process video. As it is (finally) summer where I live, it seemed only appropriate to break out the summer products and scrapbook something that involved sunshine and frozen treats. Take a look – oh, and yes, I’ve just recently downloaded a new video editing software so moving forward, my videos will be way better! Seriously, there are so many things to have to know in this business!!

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LOAD522 – Day 8 Featured Designer Layout

Hello again, I’m back with another layout for LOAD522 Build Your Story, this time as a Featured Designer. Woot! Woot!

Our architectural inspiration for this prompt is Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, France. I don’t know exactly what Alice will be talking about but I know she will touch on the devastating fire that destroyed a lot of the cathedral in 2019. We visited Paris in 2017 as a side-jaunt to our UK holiday. We didn’t take the time to go into the Cathedral, which I subsequently regretted, but here is a photo of us outside. We were on our way to dinner and stopped to grab some selfies in front of Notre Dame as we passed it.

It would have been easy for me to scrapbook this and other photos we took for my featured designer layout, but I will save that for the actual day. I decided to lean heavily into the prompts she gave which was to talk about a time we “rose from the ashes”.

For those of you who know me, you know my story. I’ve scrapbooked about my parents before but I don’t think I’ve ever scrapbooked about my journey from almost dead, to thriving. Get ready!

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LOAD522 Day1 – Just In Time

I’m back!

And I’m participating in another LOAD Challenge. Woo hoo! Bring on all the layouts!!

As an added challenge to myself, I’m going to attempt to film my layouts come together each day. BUT … I make no promises and I ask you to hold me to nothing! My life as a mom to 3 teenagers (two of whom are graduating very soon – yikes!), and a small business owner, and an Epicure consultant with a new Season launching in two days (double yikes!), and the primary meal provider, means my average day is a teensy bit hectic. Getting a layout finished and posted to the ScrapHappy gallery every day will be a miracle in and of itself. Filming the process, editing the film, uploading the film, and blogging about it too … that may be too much for my average day. We’ll see.

That being said, I had the day off from the store today so I filmed a process video for you! Yay! Let’s dive in.

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LOAD222 – The Fourth Week

One last recap week for you. LOAD222 seems like so long ago now, but it’s only been 2 weeks. In that time I’ve made a couple of layouts, but to be honest, I’ve been busy catching up on thing around my store that got only half attended to in February.

Day 22 – Pivot!

We were tasked with scrapbooking something that has changed and for technique, use arrows. Pivot is a word that I think we have all used more times in the last 2 years than any of us dreamed, and it would have been easy to scrapbook a Covid story. But I decided to really focus on getting layouts into my 2017 UK Trip Album so told this story instead.

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LOAD222 – The Third Week

LOAD222 has officially been over for almost a week now and I’ll be honest, it’s taken me this long to “recover”. LOL

It is a lot of fun to make a layout every day, post it, Instagram it, comment on it, etc, etc, etc but boy, oh boy, it’s exhausting! So now I’m “running behind” with these recap posts. Hey, it’s my blog and it’ll do with it what I like!

Day 15 – Guest Stars

Today we were to scrapbook about someone that made an impression in our lives but since I’d already done that by being the guest designer for Day 15, I chose to get another page added to my UK 2017 trip album instead. I did manage to use the technique prompt of stars though. And if you follow me on Instagram you saw that I first spelled the name of the castle wrong. But I fixed it.

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