Latest Twelve works

I’m not going to bombard you with a ton of angles of these layouts or even my thought/design processes, if you want that please visit my Flickr gallery. Quickly, here are the last two layouts I’ve completed this month. If you’re keeping track, I’m up to 8 so far. Woo hoo!! Only 4 more to go to reach my Twelve goal of … wait for it … 12!!

Okay, this one is of Paige’s first taste of “solid” food.

Wasn’t she just so cute! Sigh.
This is for my Family Stories category.
The second layout is this one from Thanksgiving of 2006.

I realize that the colours look more Hallowe’en than Thanksgiving but I admit to fighting with it a bit. Anyway, this is for my Holidays category.
And now for some shots of life lately …

Greg. Poor Greg. 
This was taken on Wednesday after he came home from work because he realized he was NOT as better as he thought he was! He had come down with a flu bug the Friday before and missed most of the week because of it. I think he is finally feeling human again but it’s been a long slow recovery. I thought I was coming down with it this past Friday too but for whatever reason (maybe it was the 4 hour nap I took in the afternoon) I woke up Saturday feeling fine. Go figure! 
It’s really a good thing … you all know that Mom’s just don’t GET sick days!! 

Thursday was Paige’s skating lesson day. She complained before leaving, fought me as I put on her skates and then spent most of the lesson skating on her own while the teacher focused on skaters worse than her. Sigh!
Love the tongue though!

Oh yeah, she also spent a huge amount of time on her butt on the ice! I swear she was a better skater last year when it was completely new to her! At least she’s smiling!!

Marley and LC were very vocal cheer (or is that jeer) leaders.
Last night we got to hang out with the old Ultimate crowd. It’s so nice and familiar and easy to get together with these people. We’ve known them for (in my case) 10 – 12 years (okay, except my brother!), we’ve all gotten married relatively close together and had our kids at approximately the same time so even if we don’t see each other for months, conversations seem to start up where they left off. 
Of course, even though I took my camera, it sat unused in the diaper bag while I visited. Sometimes you have to get busy MAKING the memories rather than RECORDING them! Right?
Here is a sneak peak of what is new on my Stampin’ Up! blog – it’s a card for my niece who turns 3 tomorrow! Click the link above to see it in more detail.

Okay, thanks for stopping by. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

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