For once I am not feeling like I have nothing to talk about today. This has been an eventful week on all fronts – kids, crafts, personal, you name it. I am exhausted! Today marks the last day of school before a 2-week long Spring Break and I am really looking forward to NOT having to rush 3 little girls out the door at 8:30 in the morning, packing a lunch for Marley (I’ve talked about that headache before!) and waking up LC after too short a nap in order to pick up Marley at 3:00PM. Here’s to lounging in my PJ’s until noon!!! Whoo hoo!!
But I digress, here’s my five random things for the week:
1. OLW – February and March assignments
I promised to apply myself to this over the past weekend and I did. I just wasn’t able to blog about it until now. February we were to gather 9 pictures that depicted our word. I found this really tough as my word is hard to visualize in that way. So I had put it off until this past weekend. But here’s what I eventually came up with:
2. Project 12 – March 2011
I started this last Sunday and it sat out on my drafting table all week!! I put bits and pieces together in 10 – 15 minute spurts until I was mostly happy with it. I think my displeasure with it is because I wasn’t able to do it in one sitting. It’s okay but I know I can do better. I must admit, the brown paint looked heavy going on but I’m pleased with it now.
3. Soccer Fun Day
Or, as I referred to it, Soccer Not So Fun Day!
Sunday was the wrap up tournament for Marley (and lately Paige’s) soccer season. It was also rainy, cold and generally a miserable day to be outside all morning! It was also the first day of Daylight Savings so we were all extra tired! Fun times!! LC was still sleeping when Greg and the girls left so we joined them at 9:30 for their “break” – face painting, Timbits, etc. LC was happy enough to have a Timbit but got pretty upset when I wouldn’t let her take it onto the turf field.
Ah, the emotional ups and downs of an almost 2 year old!!
We stayed to watch Marley and Paige go through the skills drills and part of one game but then we had to leave. LC was done!
Since I wasn’t there for the medal ceremony I settled for taking pictures of the girls with their medals once they got home. Paige’s medal actually belongs to a teammate that moved to Australia in December. She knows that it was just on loan and will be winging it’s way shortly Down Under!
4. What happens when loose teeth start dying!
We learned a valuable lesson this week about loose teeth. Marley’s two upper teeth have been loose for ages now but were stubbornly sticking around. One in particular would bleed every now and then which caused us to hope it would fall out soon but … nothing. Then Marley noticed that it was turning grey. Grey? Eww!!! Time to call the dentist! After a quick appointment to pull the offending tooth (and it’s loose neighbour) this is what Marley looked like.
Luckily the dentist gave her this handy box to help the tooth fairy find her teeth!!
5. Now for the personal bit …
Paige’s preschool will not be continuing next year. This doesn’t directly affect our family as Paige will be going to Kindergarten in September and LC is still too young to go to preschool but I am unbelievably sad about it. As the current President, I feel like I’ve failed the preschool, it’s families and the kids. As an Alum of the preschool, I am saddened to see a place that gave my girls such joy have to close its doors. As a member of the community I am disheartened that we can no longer support this kind of institution. The Parent Participation Preschool only works if there are parents willing and able to participate!
I could get on my soap box about the messed up attitudes when it comes to putting our kids first, volunteerism, etc, etc,etc … but I’m not going to. I will instead try to put that energy into shutting things down correctly, going out on a good note, and generally closing that chapter of my life without regrets. If any of you out there have reason to take your kids to a PPP, DO IT! The friendships you’ll make will last a life time and your kids will be forever enriched because of your willingness to play with them.
Okay, I think I am finally finished this monster post! Sorry! I will try to keep them shorter in the future!
Have a great weekend!
Wow, crafty mama, you were busy this week! The OLW project is looking really cool – I went through a decluttering phase last year at this time, I think part of the whole nesting thing. It’s a continuing journey, and I’m hoping to get rid of a bunch of stuff when we move. It’s hard because I want to keep everything, every CD or book I ever bought, any gift anyone’s ever given me, and any art the kids have ever brought home – it’s truly insane! Anyway, let me know how it goes.
I really love your Project 12 layout, and I know what you mean about working on it bit by bit, that’s exactly how mine went. Maybe because it’s a double pager?
Soccer’s pretty intense down there, eh? Jason’s all excited to get the kids registered for soccer in the new town, he’s expecting big things. Me, not so much a soccer fan, but if the kids like it, great!
Weird that Ailis and Marley both have the gap-toothed smile at the same time. I think it’s adorable!
Too bad about the preschool. But I think you have the right attitude. Good for you for getting involved and taking on that job! I tried to get involved with the PAC here, and I got fed up after a couple of meetings. They all complain that there’s not enough volunteers, and yet the same 2 or 3 women run the whole show and won’t let anyone get a word in edgewise!
Yay, spring break! The time change messed me up, too, and I can’t wait to sleep in tomorrow, maybe until 8 am, gasp!
Haven’t heard if there’s a scrapbooking store in 100 Mile, but I’m pretty stoked about Timmie’s!
Well, enjoy your weekend and spring break! Not sure if I’ll be getting much scrapping done this week, we’ll just have to see.
Hugs, Roxy.