SWAT Drill #15 – He Cooks!

Hi Everyone! Happy Saturday. Are ready for another Drill from your Scrapbooking Warriors over at SWAT?

This week we are challenging you to Stamp, Stitch and Spray/Splatter on your layouts. Here’s what I made.

SWAT Drill #15 - He Cooks!

I plunked my money down for Shimelle Lain’s stamp set as soon as she said she had one, so was pretty excited to pull it out for this layout. It’s kind of perfect for it, don’t you think? There’s a close up of the journaling down below but the gist of the layout is that my husband has been doing more and more of the cooking around here as I work more and more evening shifts. Up until this summer, it was completely safe to say that he never barbequed. Ever! I was the barbequer, head chef, head laundress, etc, etc. Over this past year he’s been slowly taking on more and more of those responsibilities. The girls still come to me first for every little blessed request though. Wonder how long that will last?

Anyway, I digress. On this occasion I just had to snap a picture of him out there grilling steaks. Now this layout completes the story and Shimelle’s stamps add the perfect little sarcastic comments! So awesome!

Here are your close ups – seriously, don’t these stamps rock?!


I also sewed some buttons onto my layout. I LOVE the look of machine stitching on layouts, and maybe one day I’ll get my sewing machine fixed and actually DO some, but for now I’ll stick to faux stitches and sewn on buttons to fill that particular requirement. 🙂


I added some mist splatters on my layout and also used these mistable Thickers for an added element of misted fun.


To further emphasize some of the hearts in the patterned paper, I sewed on some clear heart shaped buttons from Stampin’ Up and then traced around them for definition.


Here’s my journaling. Please excuse my spelling mistake. Sheesh! That should say ‘work’ not ‘word’. I think I need to install Autocorrect in my brain!! Greg has started his expansion project already. With mixed reviews to be honest. I’m sure he’ll eventually figure out that his 9, 7 and 4 year olds might not  share his adventurous palette! 🙂

Now it’s your turn. Submit your newly created layout that includes Stamping, Sewing AND Sprays over at the blog – click here to go to the SWAT blog now.


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5 Responses to SWAT Drill #15 – He Cooks!

  1. Jenn says:

    Love the layout! And the fact Greg is bbq’ing!

  2. Oh how fun! Love your layout! I’m going to have to check out those stamps!!!!

  3. Christine Meyer says:

    Great layout! Love the manly feel to it 🙂

  4. Lisa P says:

    Love the layout and a man who cooks 🙂

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