Attitude is Everything!

Words on Wednesday

You know that saying “laughter is the best medicine”? Something that my brother said recently got me thinking about it.

He managed to dislocate his shoulder (in an odd “this never happens” kind of way) while skiing on December 31st. Instead of ringing in the New Year at home with his wife and children, he spent it in the ER at Lion’s Gate Hospital waiting for surgical consults and CT scan results. My sister-in-law posted this photo on Instagram which kind of sums up how we Campbell kids deal with pain and adversity. Continue reading

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Welcoming 2018 with Renewed Energy

Blessings to you

I hope your celebrations were safe, fun and enjoyable for all. As I write this, my 13 year old is the only one in the family with plans for NYE.


It’s official. I’m old. Uncool. and have no social life! LOL!

The biggest question on my husbands mind is how he’s going to stay awake til 12:30 so he can pick her up!

As my mind turns to the new year, it naturally starts to plan. Continue reading

Posted in Journals, Notebooks, Planners | 2 Comments

Sunshine, Flowers, and Rebirth – Celebrating Spring With a Blog Hop

Oh wow!

It’s been six months since I posted to this blog.


A lot has happened in that time that I may talk about in a future blog post. For today though, I am celebrating all things Spring with some like minded crafty peeps! (no Easter puns intended!) You may be arriving here from Alice’s blog or I may be your first stop. Either way, welcome! Keep circling through all our blogs for maximum inspiration.

What does Spring mean to you?

To me it’s all about the return of the sun! Days start to get longer. The air feels warmer. The sun starts to have a bit of strength behind it. My poor neglected garden starts putting out shoots of green. And the trees slowly get that glow that indicates buds are forming.

It’s magical and I love everything about it!

The March card kit from Simon Says Stamp – while decidedly Easter themed – was a perfect foil for my Spring-like leanings. Continue reading

Posted in Cards | 5 Comments

Releasing the Log Jam

Words on Wednesday

It’s Wednesday therefore there should be words … right?

For the past two weeks I haven’t been able to write my typical Wednesday post. The words haven’t been there. Or rather, they’re there but stuck.

Picture a log jam if you will. Too many logs try to pass through a narrow point of a river all at once and they end up stuck. The logs behind just keep crashing into the ones already jammed up and you get a bigger and bigger log jam. Until finally it reaches critical mass and explodes – usually violently and with disastrous results.

Hopefully this word explosion doesn’t have disastrous results!

This month has been hard so far. September means so many things to me personally:

It means the end of summer – my favourite season. 🙁

It means back to school – hip hip hooray! 🙂

It means my birthday! 43 this year, yikes! 🙂

It means all our crazy activities start up again. 🙁

It means the clock has officially run out on my “work vacation” a.k.a. no more stay at home status for me! 🙁

All of these things have resulted in a totally overwhelmed me! 🙁 Continue reading

Posted in Words on Wednesday | 5 Comments

Filling In The Gaps

Make it Monday with Alison Day Designs2.png Welcome to Make it Monday!

It’s September!! Holy crap, where is this year going?? I am not sure to be honest. Life with kids seems to get busier each year. Which in turn means that each year flies past faster and faster. Not a fan of this!

If you check in on this blog regularly you may have noticed my “closed for cleaning” photo last Monday. I really was cleaning on Monday, but then with the rush, excitement and mayhem of Back to School I had a bit of a melt down. I’ll probably talk more about that on Wednesday (or in a subsequent Words on Wednesday post) but suffice it to say that for the first time in a long time, my Scrap Cave was not a refuge. With no motivation to make anything came nothing to post about. So … I took the week off.

My blog, my prerogative right?

But I have reached a (perhaps temporary) state of equilibrium again and have been churning projects out of my Scrap Cave with gusto. Today’s cards are part of that renewed crafty inclination. (Don’t forget to see my latest #the20project layout too.)

In fact, they were inspired by someone who purchased an item from me via Varagesale. She asked if I had any Good Luck cards and so brought my attention to a hole in my inventory.

Challenge Accepted!

Good Luck Cards by Alison Day Designs Continue reading

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Hand Cut Titles – Friend or Foe?

#the20project with Alison Day Designs

Welcome back to my version of The 20 Project.

To find out more about The 20 Project please visit Shimelle Laine’s blog. This is her concept that I am using as inspiration to get my own projects finished while challenging myself along the way. Shaking up the ordinary processes. Working out the cobwebs. Rediscovering old products. It is all going to happen during this project!

If this is your first visit to my blog then welcome, and if you’d like to check out all the posts in this series you can start here. At the end of that post is a link to the next one so you can keep going until you reach the end or today’s post – whichever is sooner. Enjoy! If you’re inspired to try something similar I highly encourage you to buy Shimelle’s class too. She has some pretty great prompts that I know I don’t have. And heck, she is way more interesting to watch than I am!! LOL!

Today the bowl prompted me to use a hand cut title on my layout. Gack! I love my Thickers and other letter stickers so much I hardly ever think about using something other than that. So this week’s challenge was just that – a challenge! Not one to shy away though, I got stuck in.

See for yourself how it came together.

Continue reading

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Happy Labour Day

Closed for Cleaning

Have a good Labour Day everyone!

Regular programming will resume as soon as I can find my desk again.

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