One last recap week for you. LOAD222 seems like so long ago now, but it’s only been 2 weeks. In that time I’ve made a couple of layouts, but to be honest, I’ve been busy catching up on thing around my store that got only half attended to in February.
Day 22 – Pivot!

We were tasked with scrapbooking something that has changed and for technique, use arrows. Pivot is a word that I think we have all used more times in the last 2 years than any of us dreamed, and it would have been easy to scrapbook a Covid story. But I decided to really focus on getting layouts into my 2017 UK Trip Album so told this story instead.
Edinburgh has really changed since I lived there. They have embraced the fact that JK Rowling wrote the first Harry Potter book there, that many of the places in the book were modeled after places in the city, and many character names were found in the local cemetery. But then, streets that were iconic in “my day” like Rose Street in New Town, are still the same. So it’s a bit of a “the more things change, the more they stay the same” situation.
Day 23 – The Couch

One of the most iconic images from the Friends TV show is that orange couch, so today we were tasked with talking about what we are doing on the couch? Binge watching? Crochet? Games? And then for technique, we were to use fringe. I had already scrapbooked the story from 2017 of how the couch in our AirBnB flat was my eldest daughters bed, so I looked to other stories to scrapbook instead. My dog loves to nap on the couch like a human – head on one of the decorative pillows and everything. And the girls like to put a blanket over him too. I’ve got many photos of that in my phone, but when I went looking for one of them, this one came up. My husband had turned his ankle at a soccer game and was sitting on the couch with an ice pack on it. Scout looked so concerned! It was adorable so I decided to scrapbook that story. And I own a pair of fringe scissors which I have barely ever used so they just had to come out for this layout.
I made this layout during our regular Wednesday night Drop-In Scrapbook night and had extra time so I made a bonus layout.

Back to trying to get all the stories from the Scotland portion of our 2017 holiday completed so this was from the end of our Edinburgh day. We had dinner at a local pizzeria and I got a well deserved glass of wine!
Day 24 – The Trifle

Our prompt today was to scrapbook a food story and talk about whether we “nailed it” or not. For technique we were to use layers. Well, all of that is right up my alley! If you’ve been following along on my adventures over the years, then you know I am also an Epicure Consultant, so I do a lot of cooking. Not all of it is successful either! For February Epicure had re-released a couple of chocolate items from their discontinued vault – the Chocolate Velvet Cheesecake, and Belgian Chocolate chips. So I made an EPIC cheesecake for Valentine’s day. It was amazing! But … I didn’t let it cool long enough so when we cut into it there was a fair amount of “gishy” middle. But hey, the taste (and overall look) was out of this world.
And since using many, many paper layers is my jam, I went crazy with it. And I finally found the perfect story for some of the Shimelle die cuts I’ve had in my stash for years. Gotta love that!
Day 25 – Ugly Naked Guy

Today’s story prompt was to scrapbook about an inside joke or something we find funny. That didn’t really speak to me so I decided to focus on the technique prompt and create a “naked” (minimalist) layout. I was working on several projects at once at the store. One of which involved adding Nuvo Drops to a card. My nozzle was clogged and while trying to unclog it, the bottle kind of exploded all over my papers. I cursed a fair bit, and even tried to put it back into the bottle but quickly realized that was just not going to happen. So I pivoted (see what I did there!)
I knew I wanted to create a soft, minimalist layout to document my eldest turning 18, and had the base layer completed (the ink blending part). I was a bit stuck as to what to add on top but as I was trying to put the Nuvo back in the bottle, I got the idea to use it like stencil paste. I have this gorgeous Peony stencil from Picket Fence Studios and it was sitting out on my desk from another project (never clean your desk is what I’m taking away from this, LOL) I LOVE the results! I still haven’t finished the layout. As I made it on the 25th and her birthday is the 26th, I knew I wanted to use a photo from her birthday so purposefully left it “naked”. But now it’s been over 2 weeks … no more excuses, I really have to finish this!
Day 26 – The Best Friends Trivia Game

The prompt today was asking us how well we know our friends, and to scrapbook something special about one of our friends. I again chose to ignore the story prompt and use the technique prompt instead which was to create a layout with hidden surprises like flaps similar to a game show board. I had more photos from this one story than could comfortably fit on one 12×12 layout, so I used some photo flip pockets to create my flaps and add extra photos. Plus they hide the journaling.
Here are the hidden photos and journaling.

Day 27 – The Blackout

Clearly I ignored the story prompt again – LOL! The prompt was to scrapbook a moment in your life that you remember fondly but have no photos for. Instead I told another UK story and used black accents to follow the technique prompt. While doing my album audit to find missing stories to scrapbook, I also took note of memorabilia that I hadn’t added into the album. This layout includes a pocket for the brochure from our trip to Inverary Castle.
Using black accents worked with my story too as Inverary Castle is the home of the Duke of Argyle, the head of the Campbell Clan, and their colours are black and yellow. So I added some yellow accents too.
Day 28 – Friends Reunion

Last day. Last layout!
For today our prompt was to make a time warp layout, and create a now and then layout about ourselves and our friends from now and then. Clearly that’s not what I scrapbooked! The technique prompt was to create a split layout and I even ignored that too! But I’ve got one more story in my 2017 album and that’s what matters. As you can see, this one also has a pocket which holds our tickets as well as the brochure from the Pipe Band Competition we attended with my Aunt.
And that’s a wrap on LOAD222! Want to see what a months worth of layouts look like?

I can not express to you how satisfying this feels! And I know once I put them into my albums I will feel awesome about that too. I will share a walk through of those albums soon. I’ve continued to make more layouts to fill the holes I found in my story when I did my album audit. Once this part of the story is finished I’ll be very happy to move on to our week in England and our time in Paris.
So until then, keep scrapping and I’ll be back soon.