Today I took the girls to the brand new Vancouver Christmas Market. I’d read about it towards the end of November, and planned to take the girls once school was out. It’s a new thing that I really hope they make an annual event as it was really fun!
Paige was having a rough day. I’m not sure what has got into her but the past few days she’s been positively bi-polar! She’ll be trucking along happy as a lark and then something happens (and for the life of me, most of the time this “something” is completely unknown and unknowable to everyone but Paige!) and she turns into a wailing, screaming 2 year old!
Anyway, despite her refusing to pose for pictures and pouting when I wouldn’t allow her to sit in the stroller with her baby sister, she and we had a great time. Greg’s afternoon meeting got cancelled so he took some vacation time and joined us downtown. It was really nice to have him there. It’s always nice when we get to have fun experiences together as a family!
Okay, here we go …
Day 21:
Kept things simple – there is the back page of Day 20, and then on the cover page I just added the number and the note from the girls advent calendar.
The back side of the cover page has a 5×7 shot of the girls in front of a giant nutcracker decoration. Paige is sort of cooperating here. Then on the main page I added a snap of Greg and LC (to prove he was there!) and some journalling.
On the back page is a collage of our time there. We spent most of that time in the Children’s area where the girls had a blast doing all the activities available (not cheap mind you!!)
That is Paige with her decorated candle in the bottom left picture. They were given the plain white pillar candle and got to pick 2 colours of beeswax to cut and glue to it.
Going around the collage; the girls in the sleigh (Paige most definitely was NOT cooperating but I managed to get a picture where she is kind of smiling. It was a little blurry though so I played with it in Picasa to make the blurring look intentional.) Next is a decration from the main stage area, the two little pictures at the top right are of Paige getting her airbrushed tattoo and Marley’s Tinkerbell tattoo. Below them is Marley and LC looking through the cutouts – Marley’s the Santa and LC is the bee! And last but not least, LC eating her decorated gingerbread person. I only bought her the one ticket figuring the tattoo and the candle were too tricky for her to do. She enjoyed the sprinkles and the icing!!
Next up is Day 22 … see you there!!
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Wow, this looks like so much fun!!! Of course we don’t have anything even remotely like that, but I went to a craft fair without kids this year! First time in, like, ever. Too bad there was nothing to see. I definitely know what it’s like to have an uncooperative kid, so I sympathize completely. One day she’ll look at these photos and say, “Why was I so grumpy?” and then you’ll just laugh!