Working with a Small Scale Pattern Background

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I’m back with the first of three process videos where I take you through my Scale Homework. Not sure what I’m talking about? Check out my post from Saturday where I talk all about Scale and it should become clear. Then you can watch this video which takes you through my process in choosing my three patterns and the complimentary papers from my scrap bin that I collated to use when creating my layouts.

Small Scale Patterned Background

Clear as mud now? Here’s that layout.

Pulling Faces by Alison Day Designs

The goal for me was to have everything I added on top of that small scale pattern be larger than it. The flowers I fussy cut were of a generous scale, the red ruler is oversized, even the gems are larger than normal. All the big helps control all the small. Because there is nothing to compete scale-wise with that gorgeous polka dot background, it can be the star. Not as much of a star as the photos (I hope) but it’s not about to go unnoticed any time soon either!


Here’s a closer look at the title I pieced together. Sometimes the letter stickers you have may not be in a font that’s as easy to manipulate as this one was, but it’s always good to know some tricks for a much loved set of Thickers once you use up all the common letters!


A simple hand drawn heart around the number nine highlights it and helps me remember that this was her ninth birthday party.


I’m glad I had such a large space set aside for journaling. If you’ll notice, I talk about the day AND about how things have changed in the year since then. This is a great way to deal with events that you are scrapbooking after a delay of months, years, or even decades.

That’s it for today. I am now working on the layout that uses my mid-scale patterned paper. Stay tuned for that!

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