Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!

Always like saying that!!

Okay, so I think I am a week behind in posting this (not so good on keeping track of things!!) but I have picked a winner for my 354 to 40 giveaway.

Drum roll please …

(My super high tech winner choosing device! LOL!)

… and the winner is … MARYA GRANT!!! 
Congratulations Marya! Please email me (alisonday at eastlink dot ca) with your address so I can get your prize out to you.


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2 Responses to Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!

  1. Marya Grant says:

    yay! that’s me. Off to send you an email now.

  2. Marya Grant says:

    Hi Alison,

    I deleted your email accidently and have been meaning to come by and say thanks for the prize, but you know how it goes… Christmas got in the way. But I’m here now and wanted to say Wow! I was amazed by how many goodies you sent my way. Thanks so much! Can’t wait to use them.

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