Happy Saturday everyone!
I am so excited to share this with you. A finished scrapbook album!
Say what?!
I know, it’s a mythological creature for sure (at least it is in my house) but I swear to you they actually exist. And I have the proof right here in this video!
I promised photos of the previously unshared pages and links to ones I’d already shared. Well, as it turns out, I didn’t share too many! So here are all the pages in the order they appear in the album. Enjoy!
The opening page as it is now. This was the first photo we got of her so it seems appropriate that it start the album.
As an aside, other great pages to start an album like this are:
- pregnant belly shots
- baby’s room prep story
- how you found out you were pregnant stories (you know, pics of the stick!)
This is what the page originally looked like. This was created a few years ago before my vision for this album came together. As I started to build a kit and a vision for the album I realized that this was just “too green” to be the opening page. It felt very much out of place with all the other pages. Oh, and you may notice I changed the journaling and the card it was on. This journaling, while true to my feelings, was too negative for the opening page of an album celebrating the first year of a precious daughter’s life. So I changed it. That also allowed me to bring in a card from the same set of Simple Stories cards that I used throughout the rest of the album.
Another reason I was okay with changing the journaling on the opening page, was because I decided at the last minute to add this altered page. This page was created purely as a cathartic way of getting all those negative feelings down on the page. I love my youngest daughter! But her pregnancy was slightly unexpected and came at a time of turmoil and sadness in my life that affected how I felt about the life I was carrying. And to be perfectly honest, I really wanted a boy and finding out this was to be another girl gutted me! Writing all that down on this hidden note allowed me to exorcise those particular demons. I’m totally okay if she never discovers that there’s hidden writing on this page. And equally okay if she does. I try to be honest with my kids at all times!
As much as we ladies may not like looking at ourselves with giant beach ball bellies, I think it’s important to have at least one baby bump shot in albums like this. All things considered, I don’t look half bad!
This was previously published online but the magazine has since gone out of business so here it is again.
This layout and the next ones can be seen in more detail here.
The 6×12 pocket page that is between the layout above it and this one below.
Then we start in on the monthly “progress reports”.
And there we have it! Done and done! Phew!
Now on to the next project! Perhaps my eldest daughter’s first year album? 🙂 I did one already for her but it was more of a “let’s scrapbook every little thing that happened to her” type album. My philosophy on my albums has changed since then so I want to create one more like this one for her. The other pages can go into our family chronological albums. My middle daughters album is already quite similar to this one that I’ve just finished (and was the inspiration for this one) but looking back at some of the pages, I want to rework them. Some just don’t fit in anymore!
But that’s another day.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!