Welcome back! Today I am sharing the last of the four layouts I made from my May 2015 Gossamer Blue Kits. I had a lot of fun with the kits I purchased and I still have a lot left but my June kit is here and calling to me to open it!
Today I am also sharing another inspiration starter from Shimelle Lain’s latest workshop – Ready, Set, Scrapbook. She is the undeniable Queen of creating layered layouts using seemingly non-matching scraps of paper. I love watching her put layouts together! Usually I am thinking “no, don’t put that there it doesn’t go!” But she always manages to bring everything together so in the end it looks like it belongs. Like any other choice would have been wrong! Genius!
This one is inspired by her use of branding strips and off cuts to create an L-shaped frame for a photo and story.
I had this photo left on my desk after scrapping about our Easter adventures this year. If you follow me on Instagram then you may have seen this photo already.
I am gaining an appreciation for everyday moments like this. And an understanding for those that choose to create album after album of moments and stories like this one. Not saying I’m going to take on the Project Life challenge or anything, but I can see why people do. This is the type of story that is cute, and funny, and when looked back on in 20 years will be a source of warmth and laughter. Memories like that are priceless!
But I digress. To create this I gathered up all the smaller scraps I had left after creating the other three layouts. The branding strips, the 1/2″ strips I had after cutting down my 12×12″ papers to mat them, and wider strips too. The wider strips acted as my base for everything else and then I just started piling the strips on. Honestly there wasn’t too much planning or thought involved (hopefully that’s not too obvious!) I tried not to put two of the same patterns or colours together and I tried to vary where the ends landed but that was about it.
I knew I was going to be placing a large-ish embellishment in the bottom left corner so I didn’t even worry if I had odd ends there. I knew they’d be covered up!
This L-shaped design is also great for housing a longer title like mine. I’ve already talked about how frustrating I found the alphabet set that was included in the kit was for me to use, so it should come as no surprise to hear that I went digging in my Gossamer Blue stash for an alphabet set to use on this layout. I felt the colours and the pattern on this one were a good match to my colours and fun story. I did have to come up with a creative title (with a bit of creative spelling in it too) as a lot of the letters I wanted to use were already gone. But in the end, I love this title!
This is the cluster I was talking about that hides all the mis-matched ends! I had cut out some of these flowers on my Dance! layout so it was fun to repeat that element here. I also punched some circles from a scrap of the same paper but used the back side this time and then filled out any holes with the gold foil stickers from the kit. Gold accented puffy stickers and some splashes of Heidi Swapps’ Gold Lame Color Shine spray finishes things off nicely.
Well, I’m off to open up that June Kit (and film it for you to see) as well as enjoy my first Saturday in a long time with no work shift and only one activity to get the kids to. Yahoo!!
See you soon! Have a great weekend!