True Scrap 5 Sneak Peek!

We interrupt your regularly scheduled Party Post with this Super Awesome announcement!

Have you heard about True Scrap? The internet’s largest, best, only, Virtual Scrapbooking Retreat! Are you still unsure what it is? Well, I’ve got great news for you today! Lain, the brains behind this event, has decided to host a Sneak Peek on September 26th and YOU are invited. Click on the image below to be taken to the sign up page. It’s 100% FREE!!

TS5 long

This free one-hour event is going to be a lot of fun. We’ll be showing off the web room to get you comfortable. We’ll also roll video of a past True Scrap virtual make-and-take and hang out and have fun. Once you sign up, the confirmation page has a link to a FREE video from the hilarious and super talented Kelli Crowe who taught at True Scrap4. You have got to watch it! She talks about getting those creative juices flowing again after a “scrapping absence”. I think we can all relate to those, right?

Anyway, anyone as into the Big Bang Theory as she is, is A-OK in my book!

I hope you sign up for this event. Again, it’s totally FREE and like all of Lain’s events, totally FUN too! Can’t make it on the 26th? No problem, Lain usually provides replays for several days after and I can’t see why this would be any different. If I hear otherwise I’ll let you know but I’m going on the assumption that there will be replays because odds are high that I’ll be working! Hope not … LOVE hanging out in the chat room with Lain and “the gals”!

Okay, that’s all for today. Regular programming will return tomorrow. After I recover from my unusually long shift at work today!!


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