Project 12 – August 2010

Time for another layout for my Project 12 Album. I am really enjoying this project! Having to complete one layout a month is not overwhelming and Becky Fleck’s sketches are always so easy to follow. I glad I decided to do it this year and look forward to continuing it for years to come!
Here is the sketch we were given this month:
And here is my layout:
I tried REALLY hard to stick with the number of pictures dictated by the sketch  but … you know me. More is better, right?!
Here are close ups of the left and right pages.
And just for fun, here are a couple close ups of my embellishments. Even though there is only one beach picture, I cut out some sea side shapes on my Cuttlebug. (I tend to forget that I own one but I just bought some Nestabillites and was using it to cut out the scaollped circles so …) They seemed a bit flat when I placed them on my layout. They were crying out for some sparkle so I got out my MS glue pad and glitter and Voila! Instant pop! This is the part where I grin crazily and pat myself on the back! 🙂
Anyway, thanks for tuning in. See you next month!!
PS – After last month’s rare appearance by me, you’ll notice I appear in not one but 3 pictures this month. Wowzers! And  September happens to be my birthday month so I’m sure to feature again!! At this rate, there might actually be a record of my existance to pass on to my kids one day! LOL!!
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1 Response to Project 12 – August 2010

  1. Jill says:

    I like the blues and browns together in your layout… and the sparkle!

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