Playing Along With LGS – May Week 4

It’s Monday which is reveal day over at Let’s Get Sketchy. Since it’s the 4th Monday of the month Team B is sharing their layouts on the LGS blog for you all. I decided to play along though. First up, the sketch.

LGS May Team B Week2

And now my take on it.


I manipulated the sketch a bit to accommodate my 2 landscape 4×6 photos rather than the one portrait photo and then also added more horizontal elements to keep that larger photo block grounded.

This is the second of 5 layouts I created while taking Shimelle Lain‘s Scrapbook Remix class. I shared one last week and I’ve got another to share next week and then the other two … not sure when they will come out. Maybe I’ll do a Scrapbook Remix Recap post. LOL! Say that 5 times fast!!

I don’t tend to use a lot of black in my layouts but my daughter was wearing black pajamas in the photo that were quite dominant so I just decided to embrace the black. Adding pops of dark pink and turquoise help keep the layout from feeling too dark or sombre. Nothing sad about a lost tooth, is there?

Here are a few detail shots.


I wrote my journaling in a kind of letter format. I really couldn’t tell you why I did that other than at the time, it felt right. I hope she will appreciate reading a personal note like this when she’s a bit older!


The space under the title was looking a bit bare to me so I added some doodled lines and a few gems. All better!


A couple years ago I purchased a sheet of stickers all about the Tooth Fairy and losing teeth with the good intentions of using them to tell the stories of my kids losing their teeth. Well … better late than never, no? I also used several to tell the story on my eldest’s first lost tooth which you can see on the cover of this month’s Scrapbook News and Review magazine.


For more than that little thumbnail (top left one) you’ll have to buy a subscription. 🙂 Until May 31st we are running a very special promotion on subscriptions. Purchase the Lifetime Subscription and we’ll give every bit of the proceeds to help those in Oklahoma affected by the tornado. Please click on the embedded link to be taken to the blog post with all the pertinent information. Every month this magazine is jam packed with inspiration and tutorials so to get a  life time subscription for $59.99 less 40% is something you just can’t pass up! And then to know that it is all going towards a good cause … awesome, right?

Keep scrappin’ everyone! I’ll be back on Wednesday with a Pinterest inspired project. I’d show you a sneak but I’m not THAT ahead of the game at the moment!! LOL! Have a wonderful week.

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16 Responses to Playing Along With LGS – May Week 4

  1. Bev Code says:

    super cute tooth memory page.. love the journaling and fab job with the LGS sketch

  2. laurie lariviere says:

    really cute layouts and super cute photos!

    • daydesigns says:

      Thanks Laurie – it’s easy when you have a cute subject! Not that I’m biased or anything. 🙂

  3. I love this layout! So stinkin’ cute! Fabulous take on the sketch Alison!

  4. Love this page Alison!! Great idea using the two photos for the Sketch, and I love the cute mix of papers you used on your page! And such cute photos!! 🙂

    • daydesigns says:

      Thanks Ashley … digging into my stash to find cute papers has been really fun this year!

  5. Sherri says:

    That stage when they start losing their cute little teeth is always bitter sweet for me. I love those baby teeth so much, but the toothless smile melts me every time 😀

    • daydesigns says:

      I know Sherri! They are in that awkward cute-gawky-big-little stage! So cute! Thankfully I’ve still got one more who has yet to go through this stage so the Tooth Fairy won’t be moving on anytime soon!

  6. Michelle says:

    Super cute LO and photos! Love the pops of color and fun elements. Big congrats on the cover feature, how exciting! To answer your question on the mask I used it’s called “Tiny Tiles” by The Crafter’s Workshop.

  7. Jenessa says:

    Such a sweet page! Thanks for playing along with us at LGS!

  8. Alison, this is an adorable page! I love the colors against the background paper! Great job, my friend!

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