Make It Monday – Birthday Season Round 1

Make it Monday - February

Welcome to another Make It Monday!

You may have arrived here from Gina’s blog. GinaZee has been MIA until MIM. What has she been up to? UPcycling for sure, but what else? She made a card for her Valentine out of bits and pieces. Check it out by clicking the link.

As for me, I am taking you to Gina’s home turf with my little contribution!

Does your family have a “Birthday Season”?

Mine does.

February through May – one a month. Phew!

Starting things off is my eldest who is turning a whopping 11 this year! 11?! Already?!

But I digress.

I did what any good Crafty Mother does and put my Silhouette through its paces to make these.

Aloha Hawaiian Birthday party invitations

Every year DD(almost)11 starts planning her birthday party at approximately Christmastime. Boxing Day to be precise. That gives her 2 full months to drive me crazy! Gotta maximize the fun, right?

This year she settled on a Hawaiian theme and while I’d like to say we can afford to whisk her off to see Gina and have a tropical vacay, sadly, we have to bring the islands to us. Starting with some flip flops and hibiscus on her invitations.

Birthday invitations have become some of my favourite things to create. Using my Silhouette Cameo I can (and have) made some neat invitations (if I do say so myself!) Here are some of my past works.

Egg Hunt Invitations

Egg Hunt Party invitations – actually an Easter Pirates Birthday party because, that’s what you do when your Easter child asks for a Pirate party!

Easter Pirates Birthday party goody bag

Easter Pirates Birthday party goody bag

Easter Pirates goody bags in Treasure chest as made by the birthday girl

Easter Pirates goody bags in Treasure chest as made by the birthday girl

Cupcake shaped invitations for a 5 year old Birthday Tea.

Cupcake shaped invitations for a 5 year old Birthday Tea.

Birthday Tea goody bags

Birthday Tea goody bags

Owl Goody Bag

Owl Goody Bags for my Owl obsessed Eldest!

So as you can see, I become one of “those Moms” at birthday time! At least where the invitations and goody bags are concerned. The actual party … a little more low key! Promise!

Thanks for stopping by today. Keep on hopping with Lisa. Lisa’s sharing a “love-ly” project in this week’s Monday Mojo post.

If you liked what you read and want to keep in touch, please sign up for my email list here and like my Facebook Page here.

Have a great week everyone!

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4 Responses to Make It Monday – Birthday Season Round 1

  1. Jennifer Griffiths says:

    Forgot to tell you earlier, but absolutely love the invites! The are so cute!!

  2. Roxy says:

    So cute, love the skull and crossbones bunny! Alas my computer is still kaput and I cannot use my Cameo – I miss that thing!

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