Today Lain is featuring another layout by me in her LOAD video. The prompt was to scrap a time when you got “into” another person’s interest. I think we’ve all done it. The new boyfriend really likes baseball so we start watching all the games with him and actually learning players and stats. I may have been guilty of that exact thing in Universtity!! But this layout is not about baseball (or soccer ironically, even though that would be considered Greg’s one true passion!) It’s about my short Ultimate career. For those who are now shaking their heads and wondering what Ultimate is, it’s the game you play with a Frisbee (disk to the hard core ‘cus “Frisbee” is a trademarked name!)
Enough blabbing, here’s my layout.
I found these pictures of me on Greg’s computer. Action shots! This was my last season playing the game. As the journaling says, I started playing in 2000 at the urging of my brother and because I was looking for ways to get fit and meet boys. Well, mission accomplished! I met Greg on the Ultimate field in the summer of 2001 and with him started playing upwards of 3 times a week plus tournaments. So yes, I was in pretty great shape there for a bit! I even played through the early stages of my pregnancies – here I am possibly VERY early in Christine’s pregnancy. But the nausea soon put an end to any sort of physical activity!
Some detail shots for you.
Here’s a trick that I like to do. Use a work sticker as part of your title. It adds interest and is a great way of using up those word stickers!
Can’t seem to make a layout these days without some sort of paint, mists or other “messy” element!
A couple of shots to show you the layers I like to create. Using pop dots to raise part of the title is a good way to highlight that element.
Thanks for stopping by today. Are you participating in LOAD? If so, I’ll see you on the galleries! If not, why not try to use a word sticker in your title today or follow along with the prompt and scrap a time you immersed yourself in someone else’s interests? If you do either of these things, please leave me a comment so I can come and check out your work.
Have a wonderful, creative day!
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