LOAD Day 28, a SMASH update and a GIVEAWAY

Hi everyone. Hope you’re all enjoying your Sunday. We are experiencing a rare sunny Sunday today!! The girls are super thrilled to NOT have to play soccer in the rain … finally!! While various girls and Greg have been out of the house, I’ve been working on today’s LOAD layout. It’s not my typical layout. It is in fact another page in my 365 Days to 40 SMASH book! Remember this?

I first posted about it here and here. In the post in the second link I mentioned a GIVEAWAY … I got a whole 2 responses so I am extending it for ONE MORE WEEK! If you would like to be entered to win a supply from my stash which will include 39 pieces of patterned paper, 39 assorted stickers and 39 pieces of ribbon (plus whatever else my little heart desires to add!) please do the following by midnight Pacific on Sunday November 4th:
1 – Become a follower of my blog – if you already are just leave me a comment to tell me so.
2 – Read the two linked posts and tell me which layout from the first (the one at Practical Scrappers) is your favourite in the comments of this post.
If you are one of the two ladies who have already entered to win this giveaway, you may enter again if you like or just know that your entries are assured! Also, if you would be so kind as to email me your mailing address (alisonday at eastlink dot ca) I have a little thank you gift I’d like to send your way!! 
Okay, back to your regularly scheduled (Ha! that’s a good one!!) programming …
Today’s LOAD prompt was to use a mask. Either on your layout with mists etc or to talk about the many masks we wear. I decided to pull back the mask so to speak. Yesterday I did a layout with lots of misting and doodling for which I used a mask (see it here) so didn’t want to repeat myself today. Thinking of the masks we wear made me remember one of the lists I’d started for my 365 to 40 project. It’s a list of 39 things I like about myself right now. Surprisingly hard to come up with 39! Really scraped the bottom of the barrel with some of them!! 
When I flipped the page over I saw that it was already printed with the giant FABULOUS so rather than cover that up I used it as part of my design. I am pretty fabulous after all!! 🙂

Here’s my title. I even used a rub on. A RUB ON people!!! I usually run screaming in the opposite direction from rub ons but not today! I must be evolving!! (Gosh, I hope so! It’s about time!!)

I added the doodling to the letters. Totally fun!

I was trying to get a close up of all the different textures on my page … not sure it was successful. I have mists – both Glimmer mists and  Mister Huey’s, Gel medium and paint on there plus the word strips were glued down with Modge Podge. 
Well, that’s it. I really hope you like this as I am kind of a little bit in love with Art Journalling now! Sheesh! More things to add to my stash. Thankfully I now work at a place that sells all these supplies!! Don’t forget to enter my giveaway. If you have done any art journalling of you own please leave me a link in the comments. I would LOVE to come and see your work!
If you liked this post, say thanks by sharing it with your friends.
This entry was posted in 365 to 40 SMASH, Giveaways, ME (Alison), SHO LOAD1012. Bookmark the permalink.

9 Responses to LOAD Day 28, a SMASH update and a GIVEAWAY

  1. Wow you have been soooo busy – you put me to shame!!! I have subscribed to your blog – looking forward to seeing more of your creativity!!!

    I liked your I miss LO best – as I can sooo relate to it! Great giveaway – hope you get a ton of followers too!!!!

  2. Simmone D. says:

    I am super-impressed by your blog! I have joined and look forward to seeing your creations. I love your pages with the misting and the doodling on the letters.

  3. Sassy Breese says:

    hmm…I have subscribed to your blog as I would like to follow the progress of your album. A very fine start you have made. I found it a little frustrating though, as I don’t know what two linked posts I am supposed to read(as there are no obvious links in this posting) to enter your give-away. I tried to find the Friday Sept 28 post at Practical Scrappers but I didn’t find and archive list. Guess it’s not my day for technical stuff.

  4. Karyn S says:

    Im already a follower and I love the idea of scrapping yourself (or SMASHing). I like the evolution of a mum and the car photos – great to remember back! thanks for sharing

  5. IAmMikki says:

    I am now a follower. Evolution of a mom, what a great idea! (Also, your smashbook rocks!)

  6. Marya Grant says:

    I just followed in Google reader and I love the first page best in terms of look and My Hometown in terms of story.

  7. Marya Grant says:

    Now a follower. I love the first page for the look and the My Hometown page for the story.

  8. Kristie says:

    Hi! I saw your note over on the the ScrapHappy board and thought I would drop by. I love your layouts and think the “Evolution of a Mom” is my favorite. I remembered the prompts and some of the pages I made for those prompts. Funny thing is, I’m going to have to go back and check on a couple of them you mentioned! I am a big cheerleader for scrapping ourselves as well! I don’t want to leave just another set of pictures to my children, that nobody has a clue about!

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