This week our store has been featuring a couple of different clay based items. The first item is our Kids Modeling Clay, and the second is our brand new Introduction to Pottery workshops that start in September. It’s had me thinking … can you use clay on cards?
Turns out you can! We had sold out of the clay I wanted to use (it’s on order so keep checking back) but my business partner Amanda had the perfect solution for me. Check it out in this video.
How fun was that?! And thank goodness for old Stampin Up stash!
Here are the two cards I made.

The card on the right is the one I made before I filmed the whole process. I love the complete simplicity of this card and really must make more white on white cards like this again.
And I’ve got to come up with something clever for this fun experiment …

Once it’s fully dry I think I’ll try die cutting it into a shape and adding that to a card. Hopefully running it through my bigshot doesn’t flatten it. But hey, that’s the fun of the experimental process.
And speaking of fun, here’s a closer look at those two inked and embossed pieces of card stock.

Okay, that’s it for today. How will you use these ideas to create something fun in your craft room this week? Share it in the comments here or on YouTube.
And I’ll be back soon for more fun ways to take other crafts and work them into your paper crafting!