Grade 1 Surprise!

This summer I signed up for the Big Picture Scrapbooking Big Idea Festival. I think this was the first project idea that they sent out – what does it say that I’m just getting to it now? LOL! When I read in the handout that the project was based on a German custom of giving new first-graders a “schultüte” (which is a paper cone filled with school supplies and little gifts to celebrate the first day of first grade) I knew I would not be making a summer themed one as suggested. With Marley going into first grade this year I decided then and there that I would do this for her (and then Paige in a couple years and LC after that …)
So here it is hanging on her door last night.
I had the goodies on the dining room table for weeks which Marley or Paige would every now and then pick up and ask what it was for. And then I made the cone on Sunday so Marley thought it was a giant party hat!! Not exactly stealthy of me but oh well!!
Here are some close ups.
Marley came into our bedroom this moring all excited about school and the fact that she’d found a surprise hanging on her door. It’s nice when a plan comes together!!
On Sunday we FINALLY got to meet our newest … cousin? Hmm … let’s see … James is Greg’s cousin so his kids are Greg’s cousins once removed and second cousins to our kids … Yup, she’s our cousin! Her name is Zoe and she is SO cute!! Don’t you think?
Marley and Paige were smitten and pretty much just wanted to hold her the whole visit!
And this is Zoe’s big brother Kieran – so proud!
One final note: Marley had her first day of Grade One today. It was very exciting – even if they spent most of it in the gym while they sort out where all the kids are going. Hopefully by the end of school tomorrow we’ll know which teacher Marley will have and who will be in her class but it might not be for another couple of days. I forgot to take a picture of her first thing this morning but did snap one of her at pickup time.
She’s looking so grown up these days!! Sigh!
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