Oh boy, seriously behind on posting this! I got these pages finished a few days ago but … you know how it is at this time of year.
Without further ado …
Day 16:
My overlay for this day was a 5×7 photo sleeve so I just slipped a photo of some of the baking I did into it.
I covered the back of the picture with patterned paper then added a journalling tag and another number 16.
The main pages talk about our shortbread tradition and how I baked 4 rounds of it on this day. Still need to bake more for us to eat as I ended up giving all this shortbread away!
Day 17:
We went out to Abbotsford for the annual Graham/Campbell/Day Christmas celebration. There was a lot of pictures taken so I added a couple extra pages.
The first was another 5×7 photo sleeve and I start the story of the celebration with pictures of Ina’s surprised face when Dave and his girls showed up unexpectedly. He had called us earlier in the day to ask if we could pick him up at the airport – something we were only too happy to do! Since Makenna and Kole were coming too Greg had to pick them up in his car so I took the girls out to Abbotsford early and had fun (at Greg’s expense) saying how tired he was and that he’d be joining us after his nap. Everyone thought he’d gone a bit soft in the head! But once Dave and the girls made their appearance, all was revealed and forgiven!
The back of the photo sleeve has a 5×7 photo of all 14 grandkids eating their dinner. Our family get togethers are always crazy – this year was no different. 14 kids ages 1 – 9 plus 11 adults means noise, noise and more noise!
But oh, so much fun!
Opposite that picture is a collage of shots taken from our annual concert. Those with musical talents get up and share them for everyone else. This year Joni showed off her new piano skills, Caleb his violin skills and Andrew and kids sang the 12 Days of Christmas for us. Us Days are generally a tuneless bunch so we abstain to protect everyone’s ears!
What follows are more pictures of the surprise appearance of Makenna and Kole and then the first ever Re-Gift Exchange with the kids (mostly successful I think).
The last page has a picture I caught of LC and Sadie (2 months her senior) sword fighting with their forks at the dinner table. I love that we are close enough to the cousins for them to maintain and build actual friendships. Here is the 2 year old version!
Day 18:
Taking two cars out to Abbotsford meant that Greg and Marley could head in early for Marley’s soccer tournament while Paige, LC and I could relax and play with Dave, Makenna and Kole. Ina played approximately 20 games of marbles with Paige – she’s a game fiend!!! Luckily I think I know what was in that large, flat, rather heavy parcel we brought home with us!!!
After dinner I got to go out for some adult socializing. This year I joined a book club – something I belonged to PK (pre-kids) and loved so I’m super excited to be a part of one again. This month’s meeting was more about the book exchange and cookie exchange than the book we were supposed to have been reading. Only the moderator (whose pick it was ) actually finished the book this month!
But I did manage to snap a picture of us!
And then one of the treats I brought home – now mostly gone!
Day 19:
Today was the first official day of the Christmas break for Marley and Paige. To fill the time I had them make a little something for their Grandpa. The back of this page has a collage of the process and the results but since I know he reads my blog and I don’t want to ruin the surprise … that page will have to remain a mystery for now! Sorry!
As you can see though, it was colourful and the girls had fun. I don’t normally let them play with paint as the mess drives me up the wall but this was different. This was for Grandpa!
Okay, that’s as far as I got. Today was my appointment with the Orthopedic Surgeon I saw 16 years ago (sigh, I was 22 the last time he same me and now I’m … you do the math … with 3 kids … time flies!) He’s sending me for an MRI of my knee to see exactly what we are dealing with before deciding how to proceed. I had to take the girls with me and they were so awesomely good. I love it when other people comment on what well behaved children I have. Makes me realize that perhaps I have done something right after all!
Okay, I’d better go and get dinner started. Have a wonderful night. Hopefully I’ll get to the other days soon – I had to take a hiatus to deal with other important Christmas things like The Christmas Letter and Photos with Santa and Christmas Shopping. Greg’s parents arrive tomorrow for a few days so I think tomorrow will be taken up with cleaning! With all 3 girls home all day, the house has developed a certain “shabby chic” look called “kids play/craft/toy clutter” that is completely out of hand! Sigh. I swear I just cleaned too!!
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