Day 17 – Scrapbook Throwdown!!

Who doesn’t love a good throwdown? Well, two of my ScrapHappy and Crafting Your Biz buddies are hosting one tomorrow.

Kelli from Use It Scrapbooking and Gina from Messtaken Identity have set out a challenge to try doing things differently from how they normally create. Kelli is more like me with more stash than time or stories to tell, and Gina loves to upcycle things we would normally think of as trash into wondering, useful pieces of art.

Check out this video and meet the contestants.

So, who wants to join in on the fun? Just click HERE!

It all starts tomorrow – Tuesday September 17th at 1PM CDT (that’s 11AM Pacific!). See you there!

Oh, and which team are you one? Use it with Kelli (and me)? Or Upcycle it with Gina?

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3 Responses to Day 17 – Scrapbook Throwdown!!

  1. You’re the best, Alison! Can’t wait to see you there!!

  2. geezee says:

    It is gonna be so much fun. Looking forward to you being part of it. Even if Kelli gets to claim you. gina

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