Category Archives: LOAD516
Taking a Look Back at LOAD516
Happy Saturday everyone! What’s on your crafting table today? It’s raining where I live and I’ve managed to get rid of two kids plus my husband for most of the day so besides the Father’s Day card that’s half finished, … Continue reading
LOAD516-24 – Gather All The Pretty Papers!
Welcome to Day 24 of LOAD516! My humble apologies for this post not going live with prompt. I was confused and thought I was up tomorrow! Oops! I completely blame my insanely busy weekend! When you are as old as … Continue reading
Stash Busting – Off-Cuts and Branding Strips
If you’re a paper scrapbooker like me, then you probably have a love hate relationship with manufacturers. It’s great that they don’t take away from the gorgeous 12×12″ patterned paper by adding a bar code and other identifying marks onto … Continue reading
LOAD516-16 – Odd Socks and Flying Monkeys
Welcome to LOAD516 Day 16! We are officially over the half-way point. How are you doing? If you saw my post on Saturday then you know my answer to that question! But it is a brand new week. Onwards and … Continue reading
LOAD516 – Week Two and the wheels came off the LOAD Train!
Well this week sucked as far as my LOADing went! Hope your week was better. That’s the way it goes sometimes though. I’ll admit there were a couple of prompts that had me stumped but I know I don’t have … Continue reading
LOAD516-11 Crunching The Numbers
Welcome to LOAD516 Day 11! How are you doing so far? There have been so many lovely layouts in the gallery, so I’m thinking you guys are rocking it! Today I am back as the Featured Scrapper with a prompt … Continue reading
LOAD516 – My first Week’s Efforts
In case you’re not aware, I’m participating in LOAD this month. In fact, I’m one of Alice’s Featured Scrappers! Very exciting!! I’ve already completed my layouts with the prompts I received in advance (and have scheduled those posts to be … Continue reading