Catching up – Easter, Hailstorms and another Layout

Easter was a week ago but I’ve been negligent getting new pictures posted. Oops! We had a fairly quiet LONG weekend – Marley and Greg both had the Friday and the Monday off school/work. Greg and I tried to have one of those long weekends of our youth I think. You remember the ones? Where you sleep in, then you laze around in your pyjamas til noon? Doesn’t have quite the same effect when your kids STILL get up at 7:00 and “lazing around” involves getting up from the couch every 5 minutes to stop the baby from putting yet another sticker into her mouth or getting the 10 billionth “snack” for the bottomless pits (mostly Paige right now – I think she’s going through a growth spurt)!! Ah well, we parents take what we can get, right?!

Anyway, back to Easter events … Greg’s sister Christine and family came over for dinner on the Saturday.  The “Easter Bunny” made a surprise early visit and hid some eggs in the family room while the cousins were playing upstairs.

On the hunt …
… “hey guys, there’s some behind the curtains too!”
Showing off the haul.
LC “helped” the Easter Bunny hide the eggs so of course she “found” some eggs too. She also tried to stuff the entire contents of one egg into her mouth! Where COULD she have picked up that trait? Greg? Anyone? Here she is with 4 Cadbury Mini Eggs plus a couple Skittles in her mouth. Looks pretty pleased with herself, doesn’t she?
While I was happily snapping away ‘cus she looked so darn cute (the rascal!) Greg was saying how unsafe it was. Party pooper! Finally I listened, stopped taking pictures and made her spit everything out. Somehow she was still in a good mood even though I confiscated the eggs! Oh, and about her t-shirt … we saw these in Hawaii and knew it was perfect for our little “Trouble”. (It says, Here Comes Trouble.)
Easter Sunday was another low key day. The girls found their chocolate bunnies on the breakfast table but were VERY disappointed to discover that he had not hidden a second bunch of eggs around the house. Hmm … may have to rethink things for next year! But seriously, how many egg hunts am I …er, the Easter Bunny … supposed to do in one weekend?! Marley kept harping on about it and even went to the extremes of searching under the couches and cushions (found a lost chocolate egg and thought she’d struck gold too) but eventually Greg managed to convince them that the EB was a bit stupid and when he saw the eggs in their baskets already he figured he’d already been there so didn’t hide any more eggs. Doh! When did Easter become about gimme, gimme, gimme?!?!?
But I digress. That is a whole other rant!
Monday afternoon we headed out to Abbotsford for lunch and play time with Ammee, Poppa, Uncle Paul, Aunt Joni and cousins. Of course, our bottomless pits sat at the counter. Easy access to the food!!
Greg and LC. (I think I need to trim her bangs again!)
Marley and Uncle Paul atop the climbing wall at the park.
All three girls on the swings. They live to swing!!! (Especially when Uncle Paul is handing out under-ducks.)
Paige and Miles on the teeter totter – I think Uncle Paul is doing most of the teetering and tottering!
That was our Easter. Pretty relaxing really. Good visits with family – that’s what it’s all about, right?
This post has the word “hailstorms” in the title – wonder why? Because this past Thursday the craziest weather system blew through here. It’s been particularly stormy lately (April has definitely come “in like a Lion” this year!) so I wasn’t totally surprised to be woken up by thundering rain on Thursday morning. My only thought was that my stroller workout class was probably going to be cancelled! But as I was listening to the rain it reach epic noise proportions and I realized it wasn’t actually rain anymore. Hailstones ranging in size from baby peas to chickpeas were bouncing off the window. The girls would have slept through it but Greg woke them up to see it! Poor kids!! Here is a picture of our patio table after the first hailstorm (there were several over the course of the morning).
Showing the range in size and the thick blanket of hailstones that the girls briefly thought was snow.
A close up. Crazy, eh?
Last but not least, my latest layout for Marley’s baby album. I realize this post is getting WAY too long so I’ll be brief.
I based it on this PagesMaps sketch by Becky Fleck although I didn’t get it off her site. Not that I can remember which site I DID find it on though. As you can tell I flipped it around a bit to suit my pictures.

That’s it folks! You made it! Phew!!
Thanks for checking out my little blog. The sun is shining and the garden is calling us to de-winter it. My tulips and daffodils are well up but still protected by a blanket of leaves. Time to clean things up!
Happy weekend everyone!!

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