Well, I finally completed a scrapbook of our honeymoon. Only 7 years late!!
After Christmas I thought I would have the time (and energy) to finally organize baby albums for Marley and Paige. Since Little Christine’s due date prevented me from taking another class at BCIT, I – rather optimistically – thought I’d need to fill the time usually spent on homework with another project. I took over the dining room table with various photo albums and scrapbooks I’ve accumulated over the years. And there they sat
… untouched
… gathering dust.
I was stumped. I had no idea how to get started. I had little experience scrapbooking and what I’d done before I wasn’t happy with. It wasn’t until June that I got the idea to create a mini album for Marley’s preschool teacher as a thank you for the incredible 2 years she gave to Marley. It turned out really well (if I do say so myself) and the rest is history!!
I was totally hooked! I started to check out various Blogs and even got books out of the library. And Michael’s became my new Mecca – I have a bit of a paper fetish! Then I had to pick a project. Any project! In the pile of albums on the dining room table was my first attempt at scrapbooking our honeymoon. It seemed so amaturish to me and that’s when I knew I had my project. I could redo the album and this time complete it!
It took me all summer (having an infant, two other children and a husband in the house doesn’t allow for concentrated “scrapping time”) but it’s finally done and I’m really pleased with how it turned out.
But you be the judge! I’ve taken pictures of all the pages and made a movie of them. Enjoy!! And stay tuned for future projects!!
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