A Gossamer Blue Special

Full disclosure, I am not an affiliate of Gossamer Blue I am just a BIG FAN of their kits!!

There, legal stuff out of the way now I can flog their wares to my hearts content.

And why would I want to do this you may ask? Because there’s potentially a free paper pack in your future.

Oh, and mine too … not that I need more paper or anything. But heck, I wouldn’t be crazy enough to turn it away!! 🙂

Here’s how you can get your free paper and in the process, help me get some too. Simply sign up for either the Scrapbook Kit club or the Life Pages Kit club. Just put my name into the notes section of your order. That’s it. That’s all.

You get a fabulous kit each month with a FREE paper pack in your first months order.

I get a free paper pack with my August kit.

Win, win!

Not sure you want to subscribe but like the products you’ve seen – either on their site or through viewing my Flickr Gallery of layouts created from their kits? Then you’re in luck too!

Today they have some Grab Bags up for sale. A $60 value yours for only $24.99. Get them fast as I imagine these puppies will sell out fast! Check out all the details here.

Ready, set, GRAB!!

Thank you for supporting my paper addiction. 🙂

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