A Baby Album using 28 Days of Sketches

I can finally reveal what I have been working on for the past week or so.

It’s a Baby Scrapbook for Paige’s preschool teacher, Kari. She’s due in September and she’s expecting a boy. Working with blue was a new experience for me to say the least! With 3 girls I am very much in a pink world!!

Here are the pages of the album.

For this one I used the sketch from Day 15.
Because I wanted to have 4×6 photo mats I had no room for the journalling so I added this little hand made shipping tag behind one of the mats. The pink sticky notes have suggestions for Kari as to how to use the album.
I’ve used these banner tags on other pages but left them blank. Here though I had a specific vision for the page so decided to go ahead and write little captions on each. The top left one if for an ultrasound picture (or more if they’re small), the one below it is for a picture of the nursery and the one with the pink sticky on it says ” That’s you in there!”. Kari insists she’s not going to be taking any pictures of her baby belly but I hope she changes her mind!
This is based on the sketch from Day 4. It had several smaller pictures on the left hand side but I changed it to be 2 4×6 ones instead. I added some plain white cardstock along the bottom for journalling the birth story and then used letter stickers to highlight the birth weight and times etc.
For this page I used the sketch from Day 19, changed it to suit larger photos and then made a quasi mirror image so that it was a 2-pager. I know it looks vastly different from the original but really, I started with sketch 19!
This page and the next 11 pages are all based on the sketch from Day 5. I did these mass production style so that they’d all have a coherent look and feel as well as a time saving strategy. Once the bases were done I went back and added the embellishments, titles and journalling blocks in 2 month sections. That way, if the album stays the way it is, the two months will relate to each other. But if the months get moved around (if other pages get added in between months) it will still work.
Here are months 2 – 12:


The last page I did (so far) is about his 1st birthday party. Hopefully Kari will remember to include one of those classic face covered in cake shots!!
Ths is based on the sketch from Day 11 but I moved the title and journalling to the top.
In place of one of the pictures I added this cute little pocket I found at Michael’s (see below).
The journalling blocks have some prompts written into them. Things like the date and location of the party, who came, and what his favourite present was.
Well, that’s all I have so far. I am planning to add a few more pages for special holidays like 1st halloween, 1st Christmas, 1st Easter … you get the idea. But time contraints being what they were this was as complete as I could get it in time for her shower last night.
Yeah, I know, it’s blurry. Doh!
Congratulations Kari and Tyson!
Supplies used in this album: (I’m sorry but I forgot to note the album itself. I got it at Michael’s and it’s a 3-ring binder style. Maybe Recollections?) Patterned paper all came from a DCWV pad – the Green Tea Stack. Cardstock was a combination of what was in my stash and some from an ATD 12×12 cardstock pad in pastels. Alphas (I used a whole bunch of different types): Basic Grey, Making Memories – Toil and Trouble corrugated brown and Sticker Shimmer Alphas in Diva Dark Blue,  Recollections, Frances Meyer, Thickers – yellow vinyl, white glitter, bronze glitter (Dear Lizzy), and Scenic Route chipboard alphas in brown. Embellishments: Martha Stewart Ribbon Style tags, mostly Basic Grey buttons, MS Findings in Turquoise, various Celebrate It ribbons, MS Blue Felt Boy Borders, Recollections baby boy stickers, Me & My Big Ideas stickers – Kay Baby Boy and FD Brand New Baby, Little Yellow Bicycle 10 things Pocket – Baby boy, MS Leaf Flourish labels and Calling Card labels, MS Grosgrain bow stickers, and Staples tags in white. Punches: MS Punch all over the page Classic Butterfly, MS Butterfly stamp and punch, EKSuccess Open Scallop edge punch, MS Bubble Bath punch around the page punch. Last but not least, the month numbers and the stars and balloons (on Month 12) were cut out on my Cricut using the George Basics cartridge.
Well, thanks again for checking out my little blog.
Now that I’ve spent all afternoon on this, I’d better get some housework done!
See ya!
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