This is going to have to be another quick post. Greg and I are leaving tomorrow (at the crack of dawn! Yuck!) for a week away … wait for it … BY OURSELVES!
No kids?! What is that like? What will we talk about? What will we argue about? What will we worry about?
And when someone asks “what’s for lunch?” I won’t be expected to prepare it!!!
The past couple weeks have been stressful ones for me – especially this week – as I try to plan for all contingencies. Make sure all clothes are washed and put away. Make sure the house is clean-ish (with 3 little kids that’s pretty much all I can strive for!) Make sure there’s milk in the fridge and gas in the van. Make sure I shower them with a weeks worth of love before I leave. Hmmm … probably failed on that last one. Stressful Mommy is not so nice!
One of the ways I had to take a few minutes for myself and de-stress was to scrap. I ambitiously signed up for Lain Ehman’s LOAD Challenge (LOAD stands for LayOut A Day). I managed to keep up this week but today`s layout will have to happen when I get back. My 5 this week are my 5 layouts.
Here they are …
Day 1. Create a layout using only the basics – cardstock, patterned paper, photos, title and journalling.
Day 3 – Emphasis – Pick one element to be the star.
Day 4 – Embrace the whitespace!
Day 5 – The Visual Triangle
Okay, since it is now almost 10:00PM and I still have laundry to fold, a case to finish packing and lists to double and triple check, I am going to sign off. For the next week I will be using my blog as a way to stay in touch with the girls. If you are interested in Greg and my trip to San Fransisco, Napa Valley and our 3-day repositioning cruise from LA to Vancouver, then check in for daily updates. If not, I’ll see you next Saturday or Sunday after I’ve unpacked my suitcase, done some more laundry, and hugged my kids for hours!
Hey, Alison, just caught up on a few of your posts. I really looooove your Project 12 LO, it turned out fabulous!!! And these five are great, I think my fave is the white space one. LOAD is a very cool concept, great job with going for it!